AI Alliance Launches as an International Community to Promote Open, Secure and Responsible AI

2023-12-06 14:14:04

IBM and Meta launch AI Alliance in collaboration with more than 50 Founding Members and contributors worldwide, including AMD, Anyscale, CERN, Cerebras, Cleveland Clinic, Cornell University, Dartmouth, Dell Technologies, EPFL, ETH, Hugging Face, Imperial College London, Intel, INSAIT, Linux Foundation, MLCommons, MOC Alliance operated by Boston University and Harvard University, NASA, NSF, Oracle, Partnership on AI, Red Hat, Roadzen, ServiceNow, Sony Group, Stability AI, University of California Berkeley, University of Illinois, University of Notre Dame, The University of Tokyo, Yale University and others.

Advances in AI are leading to new opportunities that can improve the way we work, live, learn and interact with each other. Open and transparent innovation is essential to empowering a broad group of AI researchers, builders, and adopters with the information and tools they need to harness these advances in ways that prioritize safety, diversity, economic opportunity, and benefits for all.

While there are many individual companies, start-ups, researchers, governments, and others who are committed to open science and technologies and want to participate in the new wave of AI innovation, more collaboration and information sharing will help the community innovate faster and in a more inclusive way, in addition to identifying specific risks and mitigating these risks before launching a new product.

That’s why, today, we’re launching the AI ​​Alliance, a group of leading organizations across industry, startups, academia, research, and government that are coming together to support open innovation and open science in AI. The AI ​​Alliance is action-oriented and decidedly international, designed to create opportunities everywhere through a diverse range of institutions that can shape the evolution of AI in ways that better reflect the needs and complexity of our society.

The AI ​​Alliance is focused on fostering an open community and empowering developers and researchers to accelerate responsible innovation in AI while ensuring scientific rigor, reliability, security, diversity and economic competitiveness. By bringing together leading developers, scientists, academic institutions, businesses and other innovators, resources and knowledge will be brought together to address security concerns while providing a platform for sharing and developing solutions that fit the needs of researchers, developers and adopters across the world.

To do this, the AI ​​Alliance plans to initiate or enhance projects that meet the following objectives:

  • Develop and deploy benchmarks and assessment standards, tools, and other resources that enable the responsible development and use of AI systems on a global scale, including creating a catalog of verified safety, security, and trust tools. Support advocacy and enablement of these tools with the developer community for model and application development.
  • Responsibly advance the ecosystem of foundational models, open with diverse modalities, including highly capable multilingual, multimodal, and science models that can help address societal challenges in climate, education, and beyond.
  • Foster a vibrant ecosystem of AI hardware accelerators, driving contributions and adoption of essential enabling software technology.
  • Globally support AI skill building and exploratory research. Engage the academic community to support researchers and students to learn and contribute to essential AI and tool research projects.
  • Develop educational content and resources to inform public discourse and policymakers about the benefits, risks, solutions, and precision regulation for AI.
  • Launch initiatives that encourage open AI development in safe and beneficial ways and organize events to explore AI use cases and showcase how Alliance members are using open AI technology responsibly and for good.
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Who we are

To ensure that open innovation in AI benefits everyone and is built responsibly, the AI ​​Alliance consists of a wide range of organizations that are working on all aspects of AI education, research, development and deployment, and governance.

IBM and Meta are proud to co-launch the AI ​​Alliance with leading organizations across industry, government and academia. To see the full list of partners and collaborators, click here.

Such as IA Alliance Go to work

The AI ​​Alliance will begin its work by forming member-driven working groups in all of the current key areas listed in the link above. The Alliance will also establish an administration and technical oversight committee dedicated to advancing the above project areas, as well as establishing general project standards and guidelines.

In addition to bringing together leading developers, scientists, academics, students and business leaders in the field of artificial intelligence, the AI ​​Alliance will plan to partner with key existing government, non-profit and civil society initiatives that are doing valuable, aligned work in the AI ​​space.

Arvind Krishna, Chairman and CEO, IBM: “The progress we continue to witness in AI is a testament to open innovation and collaboration between communities of creators, scientists, academics and business leaders. This is a pivotal moment in shaping the future of AI. IBM is proud to partner with like-minded organizations through the AI ​​Alliance to ensure this open ecosystem drives an innovative AI agenda underpinned by safety, accountability and scientific rigor.”

To learn more about the Alliance, visit here: Link.

IBM press office
Weber Shandwick
E-mail: [email protected]

#Alliance #Launches #International #Community #Promote #Open #Secure #Responsible

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