Ahmed Al-Mousa: Returning to Saudi Arabia – A Testimony of Love for Homeland and Family

2023-07-15 12:38:37

Al-Marsad Newspaper: A circulating video clip documented the husband of the famous social networking site, Fawz Al-Otaibi, Ahmed Al-Mousa, after he decided to return to his homeland, Saudi Arabia.

Ahmed Al-Mousa said, during the video: “For the first time, I feel that I am going seriously. What will I lose more than what I lost? You lost your brother, your friends, your family, your quarter, and your homeland.”

He added, “How long do you want to lose everything for the sake of someone who deludes yourself that you love him,” stressing that the homeland is safety and security after God.

And he concluded: “You can lose everything except that you lose your country, your people and your people, and I know that your hearts are big, they have expanded to the stranger, and they will accommodate their children.”

#lost #brother #family #country #Watch.. #Fouz #AlOtaibis #husband #decides #return #Saudi #Arabia

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