Ahmad Mansour at Markus Lanz: Expert warns of “huge wave of terror” | Politics

Ahmad Mansour at Markus Lanz: Expert warns of “huge wave of terror” | Politics

Are we all becoming targets? Following the knife murders in Solingen, Islamism expert Ahmad Mansour (48) warned emphatically during the program Markus Lanz (55) about a looming terror wave.

“For years, the security agencies have been stating that ISIS and others are utilizing refugee routes to establish terrorist networks in Europe, particularly in Germany,” recalled the extremism researcher. “However, what is currently happening on social media resembles a tsunami!”

Winning mentality through terror

The main cause: the Hamas massacre of October 2023. Mansour stated, “October 7th marked the day when Islamists worldwide felt: Wow! We are capable of much! A winning mentality has developed. This gives Islamists significant motivation to commit their atrocities!”

Mansour cautioned that through emotionally charged images and anger-inducing videos, Islamism is becoming a youth culture: “This potential should alarm us all!”

Shortly after the attack in Solingen (North Rhine-Westphalia), the terrorist militia Islamic State (IS) released a photo online allegedly showing the attacker Issa al Hasan (26)

This is life-threatening!

Mansour expressed being “stunned” that just “three weeks ago we were debating whether border controls were sensible.” Now these controls have “merely been extended by the Interior Minister to gain electoral points in the East!”

Mansour’s concern is: “We cannot differentiate between individuals seeking protection and those coming to Europe to carry out attacks. We need answers that include the population because the current situation is life-threatening!”

Who truly protects the Germans?

“We all sense that Solingen is a turning point,” affirmed Jens Spahn (44), Vice-Chairman of the Union parliamentary group. “Something has changed in the country!”

“Who really protects the Germans?” Mansour questioned. “And who protects the migrants fleeing Islamism? Portraying this as a moral obligation and claiming we are on the right side is misleading! We are not helping anyone if we take them in and then abandon them in Germany.”

Ahmad Mansour at Markus Lanz: Expert warns of “huge wave of terror” | Politics

CDU Union parliamentary group vice-chairman Jens Spahn at Lanz

Photo: ZDF

Suspend EU law?

Spahn’s grim assessment: “This EU asylum system is utterly ineffective. If it doesn’t work, I won’t allow constant reminders of EU law!”

His proposed solution: “To protect our citizens and ensure security, we must declare: We are now suspending EU law, and things will no longer proceed as before at our borders!”

Support for the Chancellor

“We are willing to help push through the necessary laws if the Greens cannot,” announced the deputy parliamentary group leader. “We don’t wish to be in government for that! The traffic light coalition can continue, but now we need to hit the emergency stop button!”

The panel on Tuesday evening (from left): Moderator Markus Lanz, CDU Union parliamentary group vice-chairman Jens Spahn, ZEIT journalist Anne Hähnig, migration expert Daniel Thym, Islamism expert Ahmad Mansour

The panel on Tuesday evening (from left): Moderator Markus Lanz, CDU Union parliamentary group vice-chairman Jens Spahn, ZEIT journalist Anne Hähnig, migration expert Daniel Thym, Islamism expert Ahmad Mansour

Photo: ZDF

ZEIT journalist Anne Hähnig expressed being “a bit concerned that inappropriate language might emerge.” However, Mansour remained resolute: “We must ask critical questions. Why are so many Syrians or Afghans returning for summer vacations? The system is broken!”

Final warning

“All I keep hearing is what is NOT possible,” Spahn criticized at the conclusion. “We’ve been telling each other for ten years that it will be challenging, but no one is taking action. We can also wait until the AfD exceeds 70 percent!”

His grim prediction: “The democratic center will end illegal migration, or illegal migration will bring down the democratic center.”

Are We All Now Becoming Targets? Insights from Ahmad Mansour on Rising Terror Threats

Recent tragic incidents, notably the knife murders in Solingen, have reignited discussions on terrorism and security within Europe. Ahmad Mansour, a recognized expert in Islamism, has voiced urgent concerns over an impending wave of terror that could further jeopardize public safety. During a recent appearance on the popular talk show, Markus Lanz, Mansour emphasized the growing threat and the alarming state of security in Germany and beyond.

Understanding the Context: A Growing Threat

Mansour’s analysis comes in the wake of rising fears surrounding terrorism, especially after events like the October 2023 Hamas massacre, which he describes as a watershed moment. He states:

“October 7th is the day when Islamists around the world got the feeling: Wow! We can do a lot! A winning mentality has emerged.” This, he argues, fuels motivation among extremists to commit acts of violence.

His assertions are not without basis. For years, security apparatus have warned that groups like ISIS exploit refugee routes to establish terrorist networks within Europe. Mansour likens the current phenomenon to a “tsunami” of radicalization, largely driven by emotionally charged videos and provocative images circulating on social media platforms.

Winning Mentality Through Terror

This “winning mentality” is particularly concerning, as it has permeated youth culture, significantly reshaping motivations for violence among young people. Mansour cautions:

“This is a potential that should scare us all enormously!”

Security versus Vulnerability: A Fragile Balance

The desperation to manage security risks has led officials like Jens Spahn, Vice-Chairman of the Union parliamentary group, to question the state of national protection for both Germans and migrants. Spahn commented:

“We all feel that Solingen is a tipping point. Something has changed in the country!”

Mansour passionately raised critical queries regarding the reliability of current border controls, stating, “We cannot distinguish between people who are seeking protection and those who come to carry out attacks.” The implication is clear: the existing measures are inadequate and demand urgent reassessment for the safety of citizens.

Implications of Weak Policies

Ahmad Mansour at Markus Lanz: Expert warns of “huge wave of terror” | Politics

Insights on Security and Migration

Photo: ZDF

With calls for the suspension of certain EU asylum laws gaining traction, Spahn expressed his concern that “this EU asylum system doesn’t work at all.” His resolute stance is that:

“If it doesn’t work, then I won’t let myself be constantly reminded of EU law!”

Practical Solutions and Changes in Policy

One of the proposed solutions involves a potential suspension of EU law, with Spahn arguing for a necessary emergency measure to uphold national security:

“To protect our population…we must say: We are now suspending EU law, things are no longer going to continue at our border!”

Moreover, Mansour urges that these discussions must not only focus on protections for citizens but also consider the security needs of migrants fleeing violence. He believes that failing to install robust systems of safety and security in Germany undermines the very moral stance that supports refugee intake policies.

Popular Opinion and Political Climate

As tensions rise, there is looming concern regarding the political repercussions of inadequate responses to these security challenges. With keywords like “illegal migration” and “democratic center” appearing more frequently in public discourse, conversations surrounding migration policies are becoming increasingly polarized. The way that these topics are handled could very well determine the future of democratic governance within Europe.

Case Studies: Terrorism and Its Impact on Communities

Incident Location Date Impact
Knife Attack Solingen, Germany October 2023 Increased terror alerts and public fear
Hamas Massacre Israel October 7, 2023 Global increase in Islamist activism
Manchester Arena Attack Manchester, UK May 2017 Strict security measures implemented

The Role of Social Media

Social media holds an influential power in shaping narratives and propagating ideologies. Mansour emphasizes that the emotional and often sensational nature of online content related to terrorism has intensified the radicalization process among youths:

“Emotionalized images and anger-inducing videos create a dangerous feed for susceptible minds.”

As these platforms struggle to manage harmful content effectively, users are increasingly exposed to ideologies that promote violence, potentially leading to radical actions. This presents significant challenges for law enforcement and policymakers who must find ways to counteract this pervasive influence.

Critical Questions and Considerations

  • How can nations effectively distinguish between genuine refugees and potential threats?
  • What measures should be taken to reassess the EU asylum laws in light of current security concerns?
  • How can we ensure that social media platforms are held accountable for the content they promote?
  • What role do educational institutions play in countering extremist ideologies among youth?

Mansour’s call to action is clear: the time for critical questions and comprehensive solutions is now, as public safety and the integrity of democratic societies hang in the balance.

Markus Lanz Show Discussion

Discussion on the Markus Lanz show

Photo: ZDF



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