Agrivoltaism, a protection tool for agriculture: Complete file

2023-06-06 22:00:00

The adaptation of farming practices to environmental constraints, in particular meteorological and climatic, is scattered throughout the history of agriculture. The increase in phenomena due to the effects of climate change have accelerated the development and use of protection and adaptation systems (irrigation solutions, frost protection, anti-hail nets, shade nets, etc.) in recent years. . It is in this line that the dynamic agrivoltaism solution fits.

The growth process of a plant is a complex phenomenon, influenced by a multitude of variables. Depending on its phenological stage, the plant will seek an optimum depending in particular on the quantity of light received, the ambient temperature, or its water status. The quality and quantity of the fruits harvested will be the result of this process. The objective of dynamic agrivoltaism technology is precisely to influence light and temperature factors to improve agricultural production and sustain it over time. It presents convincing results, with maintained yields and a qualitative improvement in agricultural production compared to a control plot, cultivated in the same way but without a photovoltaic panel.

The agrivoltaic structure is the combination of two elements: a hardware part and a software part. The physical part is made up of photovoltaic panels supported by a steel structure. The panels are mobile, rotating around an axis, so as to sometimes allow light to pass through, sometimes to cast shadow. The steel structure supports the panels at several meters in height and is built in such a way as to ensure compatibility with agricultural machinery and the absence of long-term impact on the soil (non-use of concrete). The software part, on the other hand, is a simulation and optimization program that orients the photovoltaic panels in order to control the microclimatic conditions in real time.

One of the benefits of this protection system is that it is self-financing through the sale of the electricity produced. Although deoptimized (the needs of the plant for its photosynthesis have priority), the energy is produced in quantities comparable to fixed solar power plants, and at a cost equivalent to large photovoltaic roofs.

Seen from the energy angle, the emergence of this type of solution is new data to be taken into account in photovoltaic development strategies, in particular in a context where EDF, in a charter published with the FNSEA, considers that the national objectives require going beyond land that has already been developed. The good development of solar energy requires the consideration of several factors, including its cost for the community, territorial equity, but also the local acceptability of the projects.

Recent debates have shown the importance of this last point. Indeed, Jeunes Agriculteurs or the Confédération Paysanne have expressed their reluctance in the face of unsupervised agrivoltaism, while the FNSEA itself has communicated on the risks of agrivoltaism that would not be developed in connection with the world. agricultural. Legislative and regulatory work is needed: by defining agrivoltaism as an agricultural tool in the law first; by clarifying the administrative instruction of the projects then; by setting up a system of control and sanction which finally wins the support of the stakeholders.

This article presents the major aspects of dynamic agrivoltaism technology as well as the main results obtained on experimental devices over the last decade. It continues by contextualizing the technology in the agricultural landscape by detailing its strengths in terms of crop protection. Finally, it analyzes the current French regulatory framework and proposes a route to follow to guarantee the sustainable development of agrivoltaism in our territories.

Key points

Domaine : Agrivoltaïsme

Degree of diffusion of technology : Growth

Technologies involved : Agricultural production, photovoltaic panels, AI

Application areas : Agriculture, renewable energy production

Main French players :

  • Competitiveness poles, Cluster: Capenergies, DERBI, AgrisudOuest Innovation, France Agrivoltaisme

  • Competence centers : INRAE, CIRAD

  • Industrial: TSE, Ombrea, REMTec (French subsidiary), AKUO

Other actors in the world : Fraunhofer, Migal, NextoSun, Insolight

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