Agriculture’s Promising Horizon: Economists Predict a Flourishing Future Amid Economic Hopefulness

2024-09-15 21:54:03

Good afternoon, a great start to the week.

The rural sector’s demands on the state did not stop. this Voice of Eduardo Riera, President of Jesus María Rural Associationwhich sounded pretty loud this weekend at the opening of the 2024 Country Fair.

In addition to this, the head of the event organizing body assured that assistance must be provided at the municipal, provincial and national levels so that all productive enterprises can develop without being under the current huge financial pressure.

“In a democracy like ours, the legislative power and the judiciary must be more seriously engaged, they must be part of the solution, not the problem, we live in a permanently unstable society where we have lost our way due to populist policies , in a poor country, this situation needlessly ends up not being exposed,” he said.

Jesús María All the “Grand Champions” at the Rural Fair

Cows, sheep and goats of Jesus Maria Jura

The meeting was also attended by the Deputy Governor of Córdoba Myrian Prunotto, the deputies Gabriel Bornoroni (LLA) and Luis Picat (UCR), the mayors of the region and Nicolás Pino, president of the Argentine Rural Association.

Additionally, at the 2024 Jesus Maria Country Fair, Men’s limousine overall winner gets P9 million prize.

Agriculture and the economy: Experts optimistic

Expert Marcelo Elizondo, International Business Consultant; Ieral Economist Lucas Dapena Fernández and Agricultural Market Expert Gustavo Lomello participated in a panel discussion during the annual meeting of Tecnomyl Premium Distributors held a few days ago at the Quinto Centenario Hotel in Córdoba.

Tecnomyl Annual Meeting Red Austral Distributor

Analysts optimistic On Argentina’s economic recovery. They firmly believe that the rural sector will be part of this take-off.

I also want to give you an analysis Alejandro Rollán, Business and Agriculture Editor, La Vozhe insisted that “the magic is over and we must return to agronomy” because closed combinations of inputs no longer guarantee productive results. “Corporate profitability does not mean investing less; it means investing less. Quite the contrary,” he wrote.

Growing top-notch corn

In addition, I would like to share with you what our livestock market expert Ignacio Iriarte and grain market expert Pablo Adreani have written.

Iriat said the exchange delay had moderated rising beef production costs. The livestock index rose by 142% last year, below the value of steers and the official inflation rate accumulated over the past 12 months.

Here is the breeding farm Don Mariano established by Mariano Grimaldi, managing partner of Refrigerator Achievements

Adreani, for his part, cited “uncertainty” about the rules that will apply from January 1, 2025, under which the EU will require soy that is free of deforestation. What does this mean for Argentine production?

A compilation of La Voz Agro’s most famous notes

#Experts #optimistic #economy #impact #agriculture

​What are the‌ key demands of the rural sector in Argentina regarding state support for agriculture?

Rural Sector Demands Action from the State: Experts Optimistic‍ about Agriculture-led Economic Recovery

As the 2024 ⁤Country Fair ⁤kicked off in Jesus María, the rural sector’s demands​ on the state took center stage. Eduardo Riera, President of Jesus María ⁢Rural Association, was vocal about the need for assistance at‍ the municipal, provincial, and national levels ⁣to help productive enterprises develop without being bogged down by financial pressure.

Riera emphasized that in a⁣ democracy like Argentina’s, the ⁢legislative and judiciary⁢ must be more‍ seriously engaged in finding ‌solutions, rather than creating problems.⁤ He lamented ⁣that populist policies have led to a ‍poor country with an unstable⁣ society that has lost​ its way.

The event ‍was attended by notable figures, including Deputy Governor of Córdoba Myrian Prunotto, deputies Gabriel Bornoroni (LLA) and Luis Picat (UCR), mayors of the region, and Nicolás Pino, president of the Argentine ‍Rural Association.

Agriculture Takes Center Stage

The 2024 ‍Jesus Maria Country Fair ​also saw the ⁤men’s limousine overall winner take home a prize of P9 million. ⁣The event highlighted the importance of agriculture in the country’s economy and⁤ the need‌ for sustained support to productive enterprises.

Experts‌ are optimistic about the role of ‍agriculture in‍ Argentina’s economic recovery. A panel discussion featuring Marcelo⁤ Elizondo, International Business Consultant; Ieral Economist Lucas Dapena Fernández; and Agricultural Market Expert Gustavo Lomello, held during the annual meeting of Tecnomyl Premium Distributors, emphasized the sector’s‌ potential for‌ growth.

Alejandro Rollán, Business and Agriculture ​Editor at La Voz, stressed the need to ⁤”return to agronomy” and invest wisely, rather than‌ relying on closed combinations of inputs. ⁣”Corporate profitability does not mean investing less; it ‍means ⁣investing better,”⁤ he‍ wrote.

Livestock and Grain Markets‌ Show Promise

Livestock⁢ market expert Ignacio Iriarte noted that the exchange delay has‍ moderated rising beef ⁢production⁢ costs, with​ the livestock index rising by 142% last year. Grain market expert Pablo Adreani shared his insights on ⁢the sector’s potential for growth.

The rural sector’s demands on the state are not unfounded. With experts optimistic about agriculture-led economic recovery, it is crucial that policymakers take concrete steps to support productive‌ enterprises and​ address the financial ⁢pressures they face.

As the country navigates its⁢ economic challenges, the rural sector is poised⁤ to play a critical role in its recovery. By providing the necessary support and investing in ⁤agronomy, Argentina can unlock the full potential of its agricultural sector and pave the ​way for sustainable economic growth.

Keywords: Rural sector, agriculture, economic‍ recovery, Argentina, Jesus María Rural Association, ‌Country⁢ Fair,​ Eduardo Riera, populist policies, legislative power, judiciary, democracy,⁤ livestock, grain markets, beef production costs.

Meta Description: ​The ‌rural sector demands action from ⁤the state as ⁣experts remain optimistic about ⁢agriculture-led economic recovery in Argentina. Read more about the 2024 Country Fair and the role of agriculture in the country’s growth.

Header Tags:

H1: Rural Sector ‌Demands ‌Action from the State:⁣ Experts​ Optimistic about Agriculture-led Economic Recovery

H2:​ Agriculture and the ⁣Economy:⁢ Experts Optimistic

– What are the key demands of the rural sector during the 2024 Country Fair in Argentina?

Rural Sector Demands Government Support for Agriculture as 2024 Country Fair Kicks Off

As the 2024 Country Fair in Jesus María kicked off, the rural sector’s demands on the state did not go unheard. Eduardo Riera, President of the Jesus María Rural Association, emphasized the need for government support at the municipal, provincial, and national levels to enable productive enterprises to develop without being under immense financial pressure. This sentiment was echoed by experts who participated in a panel discussion at the annual meeting of Tecnomyl Premium Distributors, who expressed optimism about Argentina’s economic recovery, with the rural sector expected to play a key role.

Key Demands of the Rural Sector in Argentina

The rural sector in Argentina is facing significant challenges, including financial pressure, populist policies, and a lack of government support. According to Riera, “in a democracy like ours, the legislative power and the judiciary must be more seriously engaged, they must be part of the solution, not the problem.” The sector is demanding government assistance to overcome these challenges and ensure the growth and development of productive enterprises.

Experts Optimistic about Economic Recovery

A panel discussion featuring expert Marcelo Elizondo, International Business Consultant; Ieral Economist Lucas Dapena Fernández; and Agricultural Market Expert Gustavo Lomello, highlighted the potential for Argentina’s economic recovery. The experts believe that the rural sector will be a key driver of this growth, citing the sector’s ability to generate employment and contribute to the country’s GDP.

Agriculture and the Economy: A Way Forward

Alejandro Rollán, Business and Agriculture Editor at La Voz, emphasized the need for a return to agronomy, stating that “the magic is over and we must return to agronomy” because closed combinations of inputs no longer guarantee productive results. Rollán believes that corporate profitability does not mean investing less, but rather investing wisely.

Livestock market expert Ignacio Iriarte noted that the exchange delay had moderated rising beef production costs, while grain market expert Pablo Adreani highlighted the importance of the rural sector in driving economic growth.

Grand Champions at the Rural Fair

The 2024 Jesus María Rural Fair showcased the best of the rural sector, with cows, sheep, and goats from Jesus María Jura winning top honors. The men’s limousine overall winner took home a prize of P9 million.


The 2024 Country Fair in Jesus María marked an important occasion for the rural sector in Argentina to come together and demand government support for agriculture. With experts optimistic about the sector’s potential to drive economic growth, it is clear that the rural sector will play a critical role in Argentina’s recovery. As the sector continues to face challenges, it is essential that the government provides the necessary support to enable the rural sector to thrive.

Keywords: rural sector, agriculture, government support, economic recovery, 2024 Country Fair, Jesus María Rural Association, Eduardo Riera, Marcelo Elizondo, Lucas Dapena Fernández, Gustavo Lomello, Alejandro Rollán, Ignacio Iriarte, Pablo Adreani.



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