Agriculture has the highest labor absorption, the Ministry of Agriculture is still the main choice – 2024-05-10 01:33:41

Agriculture has the highest labor absorption, the Ministry of Agriculture is still the main choice
 – 2024-05-10 01:33:41
Farmers transport their crops. (MI)

The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) reported that labor absorption in the agricultural sector was the highest among other business fields such as trade and the processing industry, in the first quarter of 2024. Responding to this, Head of the Public Relations and Information Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) Kuntoro Boga Andri said this situation proves that the agricultural sector is still the main choice for the majority of Indonesian people.

“Based on BPS data, the number of people working in the agricultural sector in the first quarter of 2023 reached 29.36%. Then, in the first quarter of 2024 it was 28.64%. If we look at the total number of Indonesian people working, there are 142.18 million people, “This is an increase of 0.03 million people,” said Kuntoro in an official statement, Tuesday (7/5).

He also said that the high data on labor absorption in the accommodation and food and drink sector, which reached 0.96 million people, was also inseparable from the increasing contribution of the agricultural sector.

“The basic ingredients or raw materials for food and beverage products cannot be separated from our ability to provide sufficient and varied food sources. We are grateful that agriculture is still the main employment opportunity for the Indonesian people,” said Kuntoro.

As is known, the Ministry of Agriculture continues to encourage and facilitate the growth of farming businesses (agripreneurs) run by the younger generation. The government is committed to overseeing the regeneration of farmers and making agriculture a strategic and profitable enterprise or business.

“The government has programs to develop the agricultural sector by continuing to introduce the use of technology and mechanization to stimulate the growth of young farmers in Indonesia,” he explained.

Previously, Acting Head of BPS Amalia Widyasanti said that the Indonesian population with free labor status in agriculture in terms of distribution reached 3.86%. This indicates that of the 142.18 million working population, 37.31% of them have labor, agricultural or other status. (Z-11)

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