Agricultural to Industrial Development and Pro-North Korea Forces: Insights from Minister of National Defense Candidate Shin Won-sik

2023-09-25 02:21:00

“Afterwards, it developed from an agricultural country to an industrial country.

“Pro-North Korea and left-wing forces are active throughout society.”

Shin Won-sik, candidate for Minister of National Defense, is going to work at the personnel hearing preparation office set up at the Army Hall in Yongsan-gu, Seoul on the 19th. yunhap news

Shin Won-sik, a candidate for Minister of National Defense, told the National Assembly on the 25th that “May 16 was a military rebellion,” but “I think there are revolutionary elements in that the country developed from an agricultural country to an industrial country after May 16.”

Candidate Shin appeared on a YouTube broadcast in 2019 and argued about May 16, “It was a political and legal coup, but it was a social, economic, and philosophical revolution because (through this) our country changed from an agricultural society to an industrialized society.” there is. As criticism poured in after being nominated as a candidate, he explained, “The back and forth (of the YouTube broadcast) was edited and caused misunderstanding, but I 100% accept the Supreme Court’s final ruling and the government’s historical evaluation.” Unlike Candidate Shin’s explanation, he clearly revealed the idea that ‘May 16 was a revolution’.

Candidate Shin submitted a written response as a candidate for Minister of National Defense to the office of the National Defense Committee of the National Assembly on this day. In response to a question from Democratic Party of Korea lawmaker Jeong Seong-ho about whether May 16 was a military rebellion or a revolution, Candidate Shin responded, “May 16 was a military rebellion. However, I think there are revolutionary elements in that the country developed from an agricultural country to an industrial country after May 16,” he answered.

Candidate Shin said, “I agree” with President Yoon Seok-yeol’s statement that “anti-state forces are still active, blindly following communist totalitarianism, distorting public opinion through manipulation and propaganda, and disrupting society.” He said, “I think there are still anti-state forces everywhere in society that distort public opinion and disrupt society.” Candidate Shin responded to Rep. Chung’s question, “Do you think the current opposition party is pro-North Korea or left-wing forces?” by saying, “I think pro-North Korea and left-wing forces are active throughout our society.”

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Regarding the impeachment of former President Park Geun-hye, Candidate Shin said, “I respect the final ruling of the Constitutional Court,” but added, “I think there were various false instigations related to former President Park at the time.” Regarding the candlelight vigils that led to the impeachment of former President Park, he said, “I think there were numerous candlelight vigils in the past, such as the mad cow disease beef scandal and opposition to THAAD.”

Candidate Shin stated that he would resign immediately if the allegations were revealed to be true regarding the suspicion of covering up the death of a unit member during his time as a company commander.

#단독 #YouTube #editing #misunderstanding.. #Shin #Wonsik #revolutionary #elements

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