Agricultural producers will meet to show their solutions to a global problem: “Carbon has no crack”

2023-08-05 21:06:00

This week will be held in Rosario the 31st Aapresid Congresswhich with the motto “Carbon, element of life”, organizes the Argentine Association of Producers in Direct Planting. Carbonsoil health and climate change It is the main one of the 9 thematic axes that the congress will have and is transversal to the entire program, which will address the theme of this nutrient, closely linked to organic matter, with a global look to the lot, reinforcing one of the most important premises of Aapresid: living and healthy soils that contribute to the mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

About, Nicolás Bronzovichdirector, associate of the Aapresid Prospective program, the area of ​​the entity that is in charge throughout the year of the design and thematic assembly of the Congress, said that “we want to tell everyone that for 31 congresses we have been talking about carbon, and about the importance and richness of carbon in the soil”.

He added that “It is about taking care of it, keeping it in the soil with the technique that we were born to promote, which is direct sowing, and with all the agronomy that surrounds systems under direct sowing. We come to tell you that we celebrate that carbon is on the global agenda and that we want to synchronize, discuss and talk about what we have learned and enrich it, with what the global agenda is now generating around carbon”.

In dialogue with the program Country Air by Radius Profile (FM 101.9 y AM 1190) hosted by Joaquín Pinasco, Bronzovich stressed that “we are all carbon. Carbon is life. There are people who are concerned about carbon dioxide pollution in the air, because that causes climate change. And there are people, like those of us at Aapresid and agricultural producers in general, who are concerned about keeping carbon in the soil. Because we have learned, after many years of work by the entire scientific and agricultural community, that (in order to conserve) carbon in the soil, it is not only the content of chemical nutrients and the physical health of the soil that matters, but also its biological health.”

And he added: “Carbon does not have a crack, we are all concerned about carbon and it as an element does not care much if we want to decarbonize the air or carbonize the soil. What matters to him is that “we all get to synchronize those strategies to solve both things. It doesn’t matter, what is the value and what is the externality. The important thing is that we do it ”he emphasized.


The Aapresid Congress has 9 thematic axes. To the main one – Carbon, soil health and climate change are added: Agroecological systems, Machinery and Agtech, Bioeconomy, Integrated systems (agriculture and livestock), Legislation and public policies, Biotechnology, Crop management, and Education and Communication.

In this sense, Bronzovich, in addition to highlighting the variety of contents of the Congress, mentioned that “as has been the case for several years, we are doing the Agtech Week, which is a plural table and that the Aapresid Congress chooses to close its activity.”

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Among its contents are hard technologies, specific digital tools known as Agtech, and others such as Fintech, Biotech, “all new names that we have to get used to” and specific speakers who will address how to solve the adoption of Agtech.

20230805 Agricultural producers will meet to show solutions to a global problem:

“There will be people saying how older generations do it, who find it difficult to adopt Agtech, what knowledge they need to incorporate and how we promote that knowledge so that we can all access these technologies, which are already perceived as having much to contribute to the sustainability of systems,” he explained.

“Agtech will be presented to help us measure and certify how much carbon we keep in the soil. And also related to the different cultivation processes, from sowing, application of granules and liquids, harvesting and post-harvesting”, among many other uses of these new information and communication technologies.

This theme runs through the entire Congress and will be integrated with the other axes. “There will be Agtech developers, owners or entrepreneurs, and users. Everything that is Agtech is going to be approached from different angles”, explained Bronzovich.


On the other hand, when asked whether the paradox that arises from the fact that the progress of the Argentine agrobioindustrial and scientific community in terms of agricultural sustainability coexists with the extremely high rates of poverty suffered by the country, should not draw the attention of the political class, Bronzovic stated: “We had an opportunity with direct sowing that allowed us to make a leap in productivity, food quality, and very interesting sustainability, and it cannot be that, after that, we have the levels of poverty that we have. As an institution, due to the global presence that Aapresid has, we are becoming convinced that we have the carbon opportunity”.

And he added: “Let’s all put it together on the political agenda. We all have, from our little great place, something to contribute and to promote, so that this is on the political agenda. That the carbon opportunity does not end up being a challenge or a disadvantage, that it does not end up limiting our access to markets, but that we all benefit. We just need to organize, get together and start talking. That is what the Aapresid Congress intends: to be that great space for conversation where we all participate ”, he concluded.

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