Agricultural campaign 2023-2024: the impact of the projects and programs in question

2023-05-15 08:35:24

• In a difficult national and international context

• A physical execution rate of 74.91% of activities for 2022

• A consultation of all actors to accomplish their mission

LThe agents of the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal and Fisheries Resources met on April 24, 2023, for the first session of the Ministerial Sector Board of Directors (CASEM) of their department. This working session was devoted to the assessment of the implementation of the department’s activities for the year 2022, on the one hand, and on the other hand, to a reflection on the theme “Governance of projects and programs for a real contribution to the achievement of the ministry’s missions: inventory and prospects”.

The 2022/2023 campaign took place in an international context marked by the war in Ukraine, which led toîled to a downward revision of the growth outlook for the world economy. This geopolitical crisis has exerted upward pressure on international energy and commodity prices. She also enteredîborn of serious dysfunctions in the supply chains and an increase in the prices of agro-pastoral production factors, in particular, fertilizer. At the national level, the implementation of activities in 2022 was marked by : the adoption of the Transition Action Plan (PAT) 2022-2025, on May 6, 2022, and its readjustment in November 2022; the persistence of terrorist attacks causing the inaccessibility of certain areas by technical services, massive displacements of agricultural populations, as well as the abandonment of areas and factors of production; manifestations of climate change, including floods, which have caused losses in agro-pastoral production; the loss of large numbers of poultry following the appearance of outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) or avian influenza; the persistence of parasitic attacks with the appearance of a new species of Jassids on cotton crops, okra, eggplant, etc.

The pastoral situation during the 2022/2023 campaign was particularly marked by the shortage of animal feed noted in several provinces and the heavy losses of poultry due to avian flu disease. The final cereal and food balance sheet resulting from the 2022/2023 agricultural campaign shows a gross deficit of 72,387 tonnes of cereals representing 2% of needs. The analysis of the cereal needs coverage rate revealed 5 regions with a deficit, 2 regions in balance and 6 regions with a surplus. In total, 2,195,758 people in crisis, including IDPs, have been identified, i.e. approximately 9.9% of the population.

The implementation of the response plan made it possible to reach 2,725,127 vulnerable people. As for available fodder, it is estimated at 12,888,309 tons of raw materials.arrows (TMS) for an estimated need of 17.433,962 tonnes of dry matter, i.e. a needs coverage rate of 74%. The analysis of the fodder balance reveals 10 deficit regions, 01 region in balance and 02 surplus regions.

Despite everything, this ministerial department recorded an annual physical execution rate of 74.91%, with a financial execution rate of 76.34%. The reflection on the theme of the meeting which focused on the “Governance of projects and programs for a real contribution to the achievement of the missions of the ministry: inventory perspectives” made it possible to identify the difficulties which hinder the proper implementation of our projects and programs and to make proposals for solutions aimed at improving their contribution to the achievement of the ministry’s missions.

We can retain in terms of recommendations, among others, the reflection for the return and security of transhumant herders from neighboring countries; consideration and involvement of decentralized technical services in the implementation and monitoring of infrastructure works; the establishment of joint technical committees of the ministry; taking into account the relevance and sustainability of actions in the evaluation criteria performs ; the study of the feasibility of federating the funds of micro-projects, projects and development programs at the level of the Agricultural Development Fund (FDA); the development, each year and for each structure, a work plan and a budget. o


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