Agreement Reached: Palais Stoclet 3D Model Dispute Resolved

2023-11-23 15:59:17

The case was to be argued this Wednesday before the court sitting in summary proceedings (a procedure reserved for urgent cases). But an agreement was finally reached between the heirs of the Palais Stoclet and Urban, the regional administration responsible for town planning and heritage protection.

The Stoclet heirs opposed the dissemination of a model of the Palace as it originally appeared, in 1911, as part of an exhibition currently underway on Joseph Hoffmann, the Austrian architect who created the Palace. Stoclet.

The agreement is the subject of the following press release: The Brussels-Capital Region and SA Compagnie Immobilière SAS (owner of the Palais Stoclet) have reached an agreement concerning the supervised use of the 3D modeling of the Palais Stoclet carried out at the initiative of the Region, which thus puts end of the dispute between them before the French-speaking Court of First Instance of Brussels (sitting in summary proceedings). This 3D modeling will be presented by the Region during its exhibition “Stoclet-1911- Restitution” presented from 1/12/2023 at the Art and History Museum in parallel with the exhibition Josef Hoffmann – Under the spell of beauty“.

#Agreement #Brussels #region #heirs #Palais #Stoclet

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