Agreement concluded for the Flemish coalition

Agreement concluded for the Flemish coalition

2024-09-28 06:29:03

Almost four months after the elections, the N-VA, Vooruit and CD&V reached a coalition agreement in Flanders. Matthias Diependaele (N-VA) will become minister-president. The priorities of the future government will be social assistance, education, public transport and infrastructure works. Inheritance and registration duties will decrease.

Meeting since Friday 1 p.m., the negotiators of the N-VA, Vooruit and the CD&V left this Saturday around 5 a.m. with a coalition agreement. This was announced by trainer Matthias Diependaele (N-VA).

Some final points of friction still remained to be resolved, such as the possible ban on wearing a headscarf for all teachersthe removal of provincial councils, the reduction of the size of the Flemish Parliamentbut also the extension of tests intended to identify discrimination in the housing market.

“We looked for a creative way to bring the different parties together and I think we succeeded,” said the new Flemish minister-president in a first reaction.

Studious weekend

The contents of the agreement will not be immediately disclosed. The scoop is reserved for party members, who will receive the text by mail before the membership congresses scheduled for this Saturday and Sunday.

The distribution of ministerial portfolios is expected by the end of the weekend.

“I will enjoy my bed for the next few hours,” said Matthias Diependaele.

Conner Rousseau (Vooruit) and Sammy Mahdi (CD&V) left the building through the rear exit.

Conner Rousseau, however, reacted briefly on Instagram: “After many hours of negotiations, we finally managed to an agreement for a new, better and more social Flemish governmentwith lots of good news for our education and well-being, for affordable housing and many other things. “

On the table

Various points of the agreement have therefore already leaked.

  • The future Flemish government therefore wishes to give a helping hand to young families the housing market, even if it means driving up real estate prices. The registration fees will thus drop for any first purchase from 3 to 2%.
  • Emphasis is also placed on renovation of housing. The owners will thus have 5 years to carry out the work to enable the home to obtain at least a D on the energy performance certificate.
  • THE inheritance rightsn will also be reduced for small inheritances.
  • Pour service voucherstheir price will increase by 2.80 euros with the end of the 20% tax deduction.
  • A tax on electric carsst expected. The future government is also removing the subsidies granted by the previous Minister of Mobility, Lydia Peeters (Open VLD), to electric cars. The same goes for solar panels.
  • L’ban on the sale of combustion engines internal from 2029 will be postponed to 2035.
  • THE family allowances will increase by at least 2% per year, unless inflation is higher.
  • More than a billion euros will be devoted to social assistance. This should allow the creation of up to 10,000 additional places in crèches and daycare centers.
  • The employment bonus for the lowest incomes will disappear as soon as a tax reform is put in place at the federal level to reduce the burden on work.
  • THE farmers obtain a right of pre-emption for land located in an agricultural zone.

The reactions

The Result welcomes this agreement, but already calls on the future government to move forward on the points economic, industrial and labor market.

He notes in fact that during the negotiations, much attention was paid to well-being, education and ideological discussions, but that the economy, industry and the job market were less discussed.

Agoria launches a “it is time to move from words to actions. The technology sector federation affirms that “the challenges are significant, the time for reforms and investments is pressing”.

She adds that it is time to continue the development of Flanders “to make it a region of international innovation. By relying on a strong industry”.

For Essensciathe chemical and pharmaceutical sector federation, the new Flemish government must pay sufficient attention to the competitive position of chemistry and pharmacy.

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