Agreement between Scholz and Starmer: defense at the center of the “new” relationship …

A treaty that will strengthen relations between the United Kingdom and Germany, starting from defense and security, in the context of a “restart” of relations between London and EU member countries after Brexit. This is the plan outlined today in Berlin by the German Chancellor Olaf Scholzwhich welcomed the British Prime Minister to the capital Keir Starmer. The two had a discussion as part of a visit which led the head of government and Labor leader to present investment opportunities in the United Kingdom to German companies, many of which are already linked to the overseas market. The confrontation between Starmer and Scholz highlighted the desire to relaunch bilateral relations, taking advantage of what has been defined as a “moment of opportunity” after years of relations not always considered optimal with London, also thanks to the chaotic post-Brexit period , the Covid-19 pandemic and the approach of the various Conservative executives who succeeded each other in Downing Street before Labour’s victory last July. In the coming months, we will work on a treaty that reflects the full spectrum of our relations,” observed Scholz, recalling that “never before” has an agreement of this kind existed between Berlin and London. Germany wants to “grasp the hand that is extended to us”, added the German chancellor.

However, the signals sent during the press conference must not indicate a desire by the United Kingdom to “go back” on Brexit, much less a return “to the single market or customs union” with the EU, as Starmer specified. “We have no plans for a program on youth mobility,” added the prime minister, who however opened up to a possible “in-depth relationship” with the European Union in different sectors, such as the economy and security. The United Kingdom “has left the EU, but we are friends and live on the same continent,” Scholz said in turn.

“At the heart of the treaty” will be a new defense agreement, reiterated Starmer, who mentioned the common goal of protecting Europe, including “unrelenting support for Ukraine”. It is no coincidence that the British Prime Minister’s list of Berlin appointments also includes a meeting with the CEO of Rheinmetall, Armin Theodor Papperger. The German defense company is in fact considered “fundamental to the modernization of the British Army, supporting thousands of jobs at sites in the South West and Shropshire”, having recently made “significant investments in its Telford hub to deliver armored vehicles boxer fighter”, as explained this morning by Downing Street in a note.

The bilateral treaty between the United Kingdom and Germany “will help to deepen ties at a scientific, technological, development level, between people, businesses and in the cultural sphere”, declared Starmer, while at the same time hoping for an increase in trade exchanges. London and Berlin will finally collaborate in the fight against illegal immigration and climate change, according to the prime minister, who will move to Paris in the evening to attend the inauguration of the Paralympics and a series of other institutional meetings.

Commentators in the UK have noted that Starmer’s visit to the German capital, following his predecessor Rishi Sunak’s trip in April, is a sign of a change in outlook in Downing Street. For the ambitions of the Labor government, which has promised to relaunch the British economy, it is in fact essential to give greater solidity to commercial and political relations with EU partners, which is why the treaty with Germany could possibly be followed by others in the future with other member countries. Starmer’s next stop, which will be Paris, can be read as a confirmation of this dynamic, also given the importance given to the defense and security sector in defining the areas of the agreement between London and Berlin.

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