2023-06-27 04:19:35
Agnimaruta Drishti is a destructive phenomenon that creates crisis in personal horoscopes and national horoscopes. This phenomenon occurs when Mars (Agni) and Saturn (Air) come in opposite signs to each other. If Drishti dosha occurs in a person’s horoscope, the favorable results expected by the horoscope will come at the speed of a snail and the negative results will come at the speed of a storm. A life full of tension, whether professional or personal, results. Gocharal has this phenomenon every year.
Agnimaruta Drishti starts on July 1, 2023 at 1.58 PM. Mars entering Leo is aspecting Saturn in his Moolatrikona sign in Aquarius. Let’s see what the Saturn-Kuja mutual drishti dosha and the resulting short-term results of the 12 zodiacs are. This phenomenon will last till 18 August 2023 at 3.54 am.
During this period, the army, police and other security personnel may also face overload, accidents and loss of life. Insurgency, terrorist attacks, and various dangers to heads of state and law enforcement are likely to occur in forest and mountain areas. Risks from fire, riots, chemicals, electricity and climate change can also increase during this period. There are also astrologers who are of the opinion that the above results will start 23 days before July 1.
Personal results for 12 zodiac signs from Aries to Pisces:
Medakur (Aswati, Bharani, Kartika 1st quarter): Due to transit of Mars in 5th house and Saturn in 11th house to Medakur, disease and childlessness for children, various sorrows, loss of pride, unexpected financial gain, victory in legal battle, financial gain due to women results. Take care of your children’s health. Make offerings to Shasta and Sri Murugan.
Edavakur (Kartika 45 hours, Rohini, Makairam first half): Saturn transits 10th and Mars 4th for Edavakurs. And Jupiter in 12th, family quarrel, displacement in career, suspension, risk of illness to wife or husband, loss of career, stomach related diseases, getting into trouble with people of criminal nature, police and court proceedings result.
Mithunakure (Makairam 30 hours, Thiruvathira, Punartham 3 quarters): Mithunakures with Mars in 3rd and Saturn in 9th can settle ancient land and property disputes. Success in civil cases, disputes with relatives, quarrels, legal problems, favorable results from father. A generally peaceful time. However, the knee and foot are more prone to disease and injury. Be careful while traveling.
Cancer (Punartham 15th hour, Puyam, Ayilyam): For Cancer natives, the arrival of Ashta Masani and Mars in the 2nd will lead to severe problems in the financial field. Enmity, tax related problems, possibility of house theft, loss of gold, silk clothes, money, land related disputes, quarrel with relatives, receiving confiscation notices and general loss of peace of mind are likely days. Worship Shasta, Srimuru and Mahadeva as pacification. Prefer the phrase ‘Maunam Vidwan Bhushanam’.
Chingakur (Makam, Pooram, Utram Cal): Chingakur natives have Mars at birth and Shani in the 7th, may have bad experiences in health and financial matters. Obstruction of affairs, unnecessary strife. Fear of disease, enmity, marital discord and job disruption may come. Time to be very careful. Shastav – Worship Lord Srimurugan and Lord Hanuman.
Kannikur (Utram 45 hours, Atham, Chitira first half): For Kannikur 12th Tuesday, 6th Saturday. The result is generally financial ruin, threats from natives and relatives, humiliation, desertion, and settlement through mediation. Considering that Gochara Jupiter is in 8th, God’s influence is very less. Worship Varahamurthy, Narasimhamurthy, Shastav and Srimurugan by making proper offerings. And worship Desa and Paradevatas.
Tulakur (Chitira 30th Hour, Choti, Visakham Mukal): Saturn 5th and Mars 11th will bring good results for Tulakur natives. Living with the children temporarily separated and receiving the divided property. Recovery of lost land, vehicle, gold through legal aid, recovery from long-term illness and generally favorable period. Success in new ventures.
Scorpio (Visakha 15th, Anizham, Thriketta): Mars in 10th and Saturn in 4th are not very good for Scorpios. Job dispute, relocation, house destruction, domestic strife, legal crisis are likely to increase general unrest. Perform Jaladhara, Mrityunjaya Archana to Shiva, Yathashakti offerings to Shasta and Srimurugan. Be very careful. Avoid unnecessary trips.
Sagittarius (Moolam, Puradam, Uthradam first quarter): Saturn in 3rd and Mars in 9th are likely to get land, house, vehicle meeting, chit and lottery for Sagittarius. There is a favorable decision from the authorities and the solution to the legal problems of land and housing. Favor of relatives, initiation of new works. Overall a good time. This is the time when you are most likely to get favorable results if you try for government benefits.
Makarakur (Uthradam 45 hrs, Thiruvonam, Avitam first half): For Makarakur natives Mars 8th and Saturn 2nd is not good for physical well-being. Epidemic nuisance, potential conflicts, loss of income due to employment, power struggles, mental disturbances, distress due to travel, unnecessary hostilities, public strife, legal problems, police actions result. It is recommended to perform Mrityanjaya Homam, Jaladhara to Shiva and offerings to Shasta and Srimurugan.
Kumbhakur (Avittam 30 hours, Chatayam, Pururuttati first three quarters):
Aquarians have Saturn at birth and Mars at 7th. Marital strife, bad experiences from female friends, legal entanglements, eye disease, fruitless journeys, family quarrels, sufferings and losses due to fire and electricity result. Disease-related problems and surgeries for the wife or husband result. Worship Lord Shiva, Srimurugan and Shastav. Be cautious in conversation. Avoid untimely trips.
Meenakure (Pururutati 15 hours, Uthratati, Revathi): Saturn 12th and Mars 6th transit time for Meenakure. It is the most likely time to get a house and land in a distant land. New abode, new place of work, financial gain from ancestral property, victory in civil cases, relief from debts. New revenue streams are the result. Overall good results. As Shani is in 12th, worship deities Shasta and Sri Hanuman. Agnimaruta Yuga (Saturn and Mars are in the same sign) in the horoscope for those who have Chovvadasa and Shanidasa and planets Mars and Saturn are in unfavorable signs in the horoscope. Dosha will also increase for those with Agnimaruta Prakhya Drishti and Bhagika Drishti. Those with Shasamahayoga and Ruchakayoga will be less affected. Agnimaruta Drishti will continue for regarding a month and a half. Be cautious in general.
Agnimaruta mutual aspects are the days of malefic. Makam, Pooram, Utram 1/4, Avitam 1/2, Chatayam, Pururutati 1/4 these nakshatras will increase in troubles. Saturn aspected Ashwati, Bharani, Kartika, Visakha 1/4, Anizham, Thriketta, Mars aspected Visakha 1/4, Anizham, Thriketta, Pururutati, Utthrittati and Revathi stars also be careful.
Those suffering from Agnimaruta Yogyakarta and Agnimaruta Drishti are believed to get rid of the evil by visiting Shiva Parvati and making offerings at Arunachaleshwar Temple in Thiruvannamalai. Agnilingam or Tejolingam is dedicated. Temple of Agnithattva, regarding 60 km from Villupuram (Vizhupuram) in Tamil Nadu. Thiruvannamalai has a railway station. Thiruvannamala temple is regarding 2 km from there. It is believed that visiting Arunachaleshwar will ward off the evil of Agnimaruta.
R. Sanjeev Kumar PGA
Jyotis Astrological Research Centre,
Lulu Apartment, Thaikkad P. O
Thiruvananthapuram 695014
Phone : 8078908087, 9526480571
E-mail: [email protected]
English Summary: Agni Marutha Dosha or Agni Marutha Yoga
#July #zodiacs #beware #Agnimaruta #drishti #dosha #displacement #accidents