Agnès Firmin Le Bodo’s forecast agenda

2023-10-18 09:55:19

Monday October 16

Morning : Travel to Eure-et-Loir: inauguration of the Illiers-Combray intercommunal health center and round table with local health professionals.

16h30 : Interview with Michèle Lévy-Soussan, head of department of the Mobile Support and Palliative Care Unit at the Pitié-Salpêtrière AP-HP University Hospital, and Nathalie Pagadoy, nurse in this same unit.

Ministry of Health and Prevention

18:00 : Interview with Guillaume Bailly, president of the National Intersyndicale of Interns (ISNI).

Ministry of Health and Prevention

19h00 : Submission of the pre-report of the IGAS mission relating to the prefiguration of the governing body of the ten-year palliative care strategy entrusted to Louis-Charles Viossat and Céline Perruchon, general inspectors of social affairs.

Ministry of Health and Prevention

20:00 : Participation in the conference evening on health prevention for health professionals organized by the National Association of Teachers in Clinical Pharmacy.

Villa M – Paris 15th

Tuesday October 17

07h45 : Interview with Philippe Mouiller, senator from Deux-Sèvres, president of the Senate Social Affairs Commission.

Ministry of Health and Prevention

08h55 : Opening of the round table organized by the French Society for the Study and Treatment of Pain (SFETD) on the occasion of World Pain Day on the theme “Improving the prevention and management of pain while throughout life: What challenges and what solutions? »

House of Latin America – Paris 7th

09:30 : Interview with Sébastien Chapdaniel, president of the French Society for Research in Advanced Practice Nurses.

Ministry of Health and Prevention

10:30 a.m : State-Region Strategic Committee alongside Aurélien Rousseau, Minister of Health and Prevention.

Ministry of Health and Prevention

12h15 : Working lunch with Marie-Guite Dufay, president of the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region, Farida Adlani, vice-president of the Ile-de-France Regional Council, and Françoise Jeanson, vice-president of the New Aquitaine.

Ministry of Health and Prevention

14h15 : Interview with Belkhir Belhaddad, deputy of 1time Moselle constituency.

Ministry of Health and Prevention

15h00 : Current issues in the Government.

National Assembly

17h00 : Interview with François Asselin, president of the Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises (CPME).

Ministry of Health and Prevention

6:30 p.m : Participation in the round table entitled “Changing pain: Cooperation and territories, building the painful patient journey in real life” organized by the Senate on the occasion of World Pain Day.


Wednesday October 18

12:30 p.m : Working lunch with François Patriat, senator from Côte-d’Or, president of the Rally of Democrats, Progressives and Independents (RDPI) group and Xavier Iacovelli, senator from Hauts-de-Seine, vice-president of the Business Committee social services of the Senate, alongside Aurélien Rousseau, Minister of Health and Prevention.

Ministry of Health and Prevention

13h40 : Interview with Philippe Pradal, deputy of the 3th constituency of Alpes-Maritimes.

Ministry of Health and Prevention

15h00 : Current issues in the Government.


17h00 : Interview with Véronique Guillotin, senator for Meurthe-et-Moselle, vice-president of the Senate Social Affairs Committee.


18h45 : Signature of a health convention with the Republic of Suriname.

Ministry of Health and Prevention

20:00 : Working dinner with the presidents of the majority groups in the National Assembly.

Ministry of Health and Prevention

Thursday October 19

Afternoon : Participation au 39th Congress of the National Association of Mountain Elected Officials.


20h30 : Public meeting at the invitation of Yaël Braun-Pivet, President of the National Assembly, on the theme “End of life, let’s talk regarding it!” “.


Friday October 20

14h30 : Interview with Karl Olive, deputy for 12th Yvelines constituency.

Ministry of Health and Prevention

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