Agirc-Arrco supplementary pensions will parasitize the next social conference

2023-10-09 16:40:39

Published on Oct 9, 2023 at 6:22 p.m.Updated Oct 9, 2023 at 6:40 p.m.

Before heading to the Palais d’Iéna, go to Matignon this week… The Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, began receiving representatives of the unions and employers one by one on Monday to prepare the social conference promised by Emmanuel Macron and which will take place on October 16 at the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (Cese). These interviews were planned before the peak of tension caused by the agreement on supplementary pensions. It weighs in the discussions.

The negotiated compromise in fact excludes any drain on the system managed autonomously by the social partners. Once is not customary, he will not achieve the grand slam on the management side. It did not receive the consent of the CPME and is also criticized by the artisans and liberal professions of the U2P.

No employer grand slam

On the union side, three of them announced their initialing on Monday. The CFDT, whose general secretary, Marylise Léon, is to be received on Wednesday in Matignon, decided this Monday unanimously by its national office (extended management) to sign an agreement which it describes as “a balanced project with notable progress for workers and retirees. Same decision from the CFTC. But also Force Ouvrière who had not signed the previous agreement and whose confederal office decided to initial this one.

The conditional, on the other hand, is clearly appropriate for the CGT. Sophie Binet, the number one at the central office, pointed out on Sunday on France Inter the full side of the glass: revaluation of pensions served by inflation and removal of the penalty. However, she also regretted “the fact that contributions provide fewer and fewer pension rights”.

Her confederal office was due to issue an opinion this Monday but the trade unionist has already announced that she will then consult “very widely before signing or not”, with a tour of the federations and departmental unions which “will take fifteen days”, while all the social partners are supposed to deliver an opinion by Wednesday.

CFDT and FO sign

It is difficult, in any case, to interpret the government declarations at the start of the week. The Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, reiterated on Public Senate his determination to drain the regime, while specifying that he is “not talking regarding 2024”. On Sud Radio, the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, at the forefront of the issue of self-employed contributions, called for [re] hand and try [er] to build an agreement.

Supplementary pensions will be all the more invited to the social conference as the discussion of the draft Social Security budget in which the executive threatens to introduce by amendment a levy on Agirc-Arrco starts in committee on the 17th. October, the next day.

Cross interview

As for remuneration, the initial subject of the meeting on October 16, the discussion will “not concern [que] on low salaries, but on salaries and career developments,” assured Sophie Binet, the first to be received by the head of government. Elisabeth Borne, on the other hand, has already ruled out “the indexation of all salaries to inflation” that the CGT demands, lamented the CGT.

According to her, the Prime Minister did not, however, address the conditionality of aid to businesses that all the unions are demanding, starting with the CFDT and the CGT, as confirmed in the interview that their two leaders gave to ” The stand on Sunday.” They also call on employees to mobilize this Friday at the initiative of the European Trade Union Confederation. Even if no one expects a major movement that day.

#AgircArrco #supplementary #pensions #parasitize #social #conference



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