Agia Barbara: Upheaval with crime 2024-03-01 10:53:30

A few hours before the 69-year-old confessed perpetrator apologized to an investigator, his children remain in a state of shock. Close relatives of the victim speak on Live News about the crime.

“He didn’t have any complaints, it was just that there was always work up and down after in-laws like it happens in all Greek families, but they had their schedules,” said the victim’s son-in-law.

The father-in-law claims he killed his son-in-law because he was abusing his daughter. However, something that for the time being does not seem to be confirmed anywhere.

According to confession, perpetrator and victim lived in an apartment building in Agia Varvara. At one time they all worked in the same hospital. The victim as a urologist, his father-in-law as a paramedic, his mother-in-law as a nurse and the wife of the unfortunate man who was murdered as a radiologist.

Over the years, the relations between the two families cool down and eventually become bad. And apparently the victim’s abusive behavior towards his wife was not the cause.

As reported by the Live News show, within 5 months, the accused father-in-law and his wife were at the police station 4 times, after fierce fights with their children and especially with their daughter. The wife of the murdered doctor.

On June 6, the daughter who was widowed last Saturday, she sued her mother for defamation. More than a month later, on July 23, 2023, the mother accused of complicity in homicide testifies that she receives threats from her child. She told the police that he characteristically told her “I will burn your car and your house”. With the fights going on and on.

On November 14, 2023 the daughter filed a complaint against her parents at the police station for domestic violence and physical harm. A day later, the daughter sues her parents for abusive behavior. They are taken to the police station. The son-in-law says that the father-in-law cursed and threatened him. There the father-in-law sues the son-in-law and the mother sues the daughter, as a result of which all 4 are arrested.

Agia Varvara: How we were led to violent crime

The crime countdown began at noon last Saturday. When the victim was leaving the house with his daughter, he bumped into his father-in-law.

The self-confessed perpetrator prepares the rifle and waits for his victim to return. When this happens a few hours later, he executes him in front of his granddaughter.

The images unfolding in the neighborhood of Agia Barbara are harsh. With ambulances and patrol cars arriving at the scene quickly.

The sister of the unfortunate man steps up as she tells Live News her own Golgotha. She lost her support. The man who shared joys but also difficulties.

In front of the killer was the wife of the confessed perpetrator who, as eyewitnesses tell Live News, encouraged her husband to commit the crime.

The prosecutor charged the 69-year-old with intentional homicide as well as carrying and using a weapon. While he also prosecuted his wife for complicity in the murder. The victim’s wife, who remains in a state of shock, is said to be determined to support the charge along with her two brothers.

The accused father-in-law of the victim and his wife are expected to apologize to an investigator on Wednesday morning (27/2).

Agia Varvara: What George Kalliakmanis reveals about the crime

According to Mr. Kalliakmani, the victim’s mother-in-law has also entered the frame of the investigations as an accomplice.

“There were 4 cases of lawsuits in the past, where in the last one the doctor told the police that his father-in-law threatened him, but he did not ask for criminal prosecution,” added the president of the Union of Police Employees of Attica.

According to the new information that has come to light, the doctor was talking on the phone with his wife when her father raised the gun and shot him.

In fact, a few minutes before the murder and while the wife was talking to the doctor on the phone, she allegedly heard her mother say to her daughter “where are you going with the little soul?”.

The wife of the victim and daughter of the perpetrator testified to the authorities that at the time of the murder she was talking on the phone with her husband and heard her mother shouting “drop, drop”.

“Everything happened for no reason. My father wanted to be in control of everything. There was no reason for all this to happen. At the time of the murder I was talking to my husband on the phone. Go take out the trash. My daughter was in the car. I heard my mother yelling at my daughter “where are you going, little soul?” When my husband entered the entrance of the apartment building, I heard my mother shouting “drop, drop”. Then I heard a shot and my husband stopped talking,” she said.

Agia Varvara: “It seems that he had planned it in advance”

The son of the perpetrator, in turn, stated: “It was a carter of death. The perpetrator knew our son-in-law’s schedule at all times. We do not know the reason why he took his life, but it seems that he had planned it because otherwise the carbine, which he had in the village, had no reason to be in Athens. He even wanted to control my own partner.”

The wife of the attacker, however, seems to deny everything and claims that she just accompanied him to the police station.

“I haven’t done anything. At that time I was returning from shopping at the supermarket. I did not encourage him to commit the murder. I just escorted him to the police station, where he was arrested halfway through,” she said.

Saint Barbara: What the sister of the doctor who was murdered by the father-in-law reveals

The victim’s sister speaking on Live News said that her brother was an excellent person and very loved.

“He was overprotective of his children,” she added.

Since the relations he had with his in-laws the victim to the question why he did not change house, so that they do not live close, his sister answered:

“From what was discussed with my daughter-in-law, the brother did not want the children to change schools until the end of the year.”

In addition, according to what the victim’s sister said, she had no idea about the relations her brother had with his in-laws, as he had not told her anything about the confrontations that existed between them.

It is worth noting that today Wednesday (27/2) the children of the victim will be informed about what exactly has happened in their family with their father.

#Agia #Barbara #Upheaval #crime

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