Aggreko’s 15 billion FCFA completely liquidated, Oligui Nguema takes out the whip –

Gabon has paid 15 billion FCFA to the Aggreko company to settle its debt which caused the blackout which paralyzed almost all districts of the Gabonese capital for 4 days, according to information obtained by the editorial staff of

The 15 billion FCFA were paid in two tranches, according to a well-informed source. The first tranche was transferred last Tuesday. The last one this Friday. The operation was carried out via the private bank BGFIBank.

Early Friday afternoon, a source close to Aggreko acknowledged the first payment of €11 million but not the second payment. This source suspected SEEG of wanting to keep the capital in the black while the BGFIBank arrangement had provided for the full payment of the sum owed to Aggreko.

However, according to a source close to SEEG, the second payment was made late Friday afternoon.

« The Gabonese side has honored its commitments. The ordeal of the Libreville residents should end in the coming months. “, said a source who participated in the lucrative transaction in favor of Aggreko.

Founded in 1972, Aggreko is a global provider of mobile and modular power, temperature control equipment and energy services, headquartered in Glasgow, Scotland (England). It has been operating in Gabon since 2023, where it provides diesel-powered generators.

Libreville recently announced the arrival of Turkish boats to produce electricity from offshore and pump it into the capital.

According to an independent source, it is the imminent arrival of the Turks in Gabon which is at the origin of the quarrel between Aggreko and SEEG, hence the decision of the Scottish group to urgently demand the full payment of its debt before the arrival of its possible competitors.

A source close to Aggreko claimed that the contract with the Turks could be the next scandal at SEEG. “The Turkish solution would be more expensive but would offer more advantages to Gabon,” admitted a source consulted by

For his part, the President of the Transition, Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema, exasperated by the repeated power cuts in the capital, announced on Friday that he had requested a full audit of SEEG. The audit could also concern the successive contracts signed between Aggreko and SEEG from 2023 to date.

The audit could turn out to be a ” opening the civet belly ». « The smell threatens to splash the entire village and reveal many secrets. “, commented a SEEG executive recently admitted to exercising his retirement rights.

Carl Nsitou

2024-08-23 18:52:24
#Aggrekos #billion #FCFA #completely #liquidated #Oligui #Nguema #takes #whip



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