Age spots on the skin: how to delay or even avoid their appearance?

Whether they are called “senescence spots” or “lentigo”, age spots appear – as their name suggests – with advancing age and preferably target the face, hands, neck or décolleté. . Is it possible to get rid of it? Or avoid them altogether?

Lentigines, better known as age spots, are concentrated on the face, neck, décolleté, forearms and hands, in other words the areas most exposed to UV rays.

If they are of course accentuated over the years, reflecting the aging of the epidermis, they can appear from the thirties on skin that has taken a lot of sun. They are therefore one of the signs of skin aging called helioderma. Clearly, aging caused by ultraviolet rays

These lentigines appear as hyperpigmented flat spots, with irregular edges and variable color, ranging from light brown to dark brown.

Can we warn?

If it is impossible to anticipate the appearance of these spots at 100%, remember that repeated sun exposure since birth plays a key role. This is another good reason (in addition to preventing the risk of cancer) to protect yourself from UV rays from an early age.

Effective treatments?

If they are benign, these age spots are nonetheless unsightly and difficult to assume for some. Fortunately, several treatments practiced in dermatological offices and aimed at removing the superficial layer of skin, exist. These include cryotherapy (with the use of liquid nitrogen), laser, peeling or dermabrasion (which is a kind of sanding of the skin)

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As for depigmenting creams, it is better to seek the advice of your dermatologist. Because if some offer good results, others have an extremely relative effectiveness.

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