Against All Odds: Six Brave Young Souls Prepare for Life-Saving Heart Surgeries

Against All Odds: Six Brave Young Souls Prepare for Life-Saving Heart Surgeries

Six children, five of them from Campeche and one from Quintana Roo, will undergo cardiac catheterization interventions to correct congenital ailments, as part of a campaign carried out by the Lilo Foundation in conjunction with the High Specialty Regional Hospital of the Yucatan Peninsula. (Hraepy) IMSS-Wellbeing.

Yesterday afternoon the minors were received at the hospital with a dynamic consisting of a coexistence, in which the little ones met in a playroom and the older ones, in a spa area.

In this way, the Lilo Foundation ensures that children are happy and emotionally calm, and agree to undergo the procedures they require.

For this purpose, a psychologist specializing in neurolinguistic programming also works with minors.

The six children who will be operated on today are between two months and seven years old.

Four of the children from Campeche and the one from Quintana Roo have persistent ductus arteriosus (PCA); one more has a diagnosis of ventricular septal defect (VSD).

Dr. Joan Johnson Herrera, head of hemodynamics at the Hraepy pediatric unit, indicated that the campaign is aimed at children with heart disease and from low-income families.

The Hraepy IMSS-Bienestar thus joined the Lilo Foundation to benefit six children who will undergo cardiac catheterization to correct their congenital ailments.

The doctor explained that the patent ductus arteriosus is a “little tube” that should close at birth but in some cases it does not, and it must be closed because otherwise problems arise.

Ventricular septal defect is a hole between the ventricles and also damages the heart.

A team of 12 people from the health area will participate in each of the interventions, for which a special hemodynamics room and a pediatric intensive care room specialized in heart problems are required.

Each procedure takes between two and three hours, and the intention is to perform the six surgeries today, Friday.

The specialist details that congenital heart diseases are the most frequent, it is estimated that 8 or 10 out of every thousand newborns have heart problems and it is important that when the first contact doctor suspects a heart condition, the child is given care as soon as possible. possible. There are conditions that only require medication and monitoring and others that do require surgery.

Regarding the Lilo Foundation, Francisco España Mejía, director of operations, points out that they have been working for four years and are based in Mexico City, but in recent months they have promoted the program in the Yucatan Peninsula.

With the six cases that will be treated today, there will be 21 patients from the Peninsula who will have been treated. In four years of the program there will be 100 cases, which is why yesterday they cut a celebration cake.— IRIS CEBALLOS ALVARADO

Campaign Data

The Lilo Foundation focuses on low-income children from three months to 12 years of age.

No obstacles

The organization’s intention is that the lack of money does not prevent them from being cared for.


The Foundation channels children and supports them with devices and medications when required. The governments of the entities from which the minors come sometimes provide the transfers, as happened this time with those of Campeche.

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#minors #undergo #heart #surgeries



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