Afternoon 5, “Mulino Bianco family”? Garofalo and the Paderno massacre –

A family erased, a story that questions the entire society. The 17-year-old accused of stabbing his father, mother and 12-year-old brother to death in their house in Paderno Dugnano (Milan) confessed before the magistrates, to whom he spoke of a sense of unease, and of an action he had been thinking about for some time. But everyone was talking about a model family, serene, a “Mulino Bianco family” recalls Myrta Merlino during the first episode of the new season of Pomeriggio 5, Monday 2 September on Canale 5. “We must feel the duty to understand the difficulties of our kids”, explains Luciano Garofano, former general of the Parma RIS and well-known TV commentator.

“Gestures related to jealousy and frustration”. The criminologist's analysis of the family massacre

“I also deal with cyberbullying and when I go to discuss it with kids the common denominator is always loneliness – explains the former general of the Carabinieri – our kids feel alone and loneliness means that they don’t participate in family discussions, and that they often aren’t able to confront each other and express their discomfort”.

“There were signs and there is a big culprit”. Crepet gets angry after the massacre

It is clear, Garofalo emphasizes, “that this boy was harboring” a discomfort that does not emerge from the family photos, all smiling on a boat and on vacation. “We delude ourselves because we are probably distracted by many reasons that also concern work activities, our commitments” and “we do not understand those indicators that are perhaps very subtle and silent that our children express and for which they would ask for help”, comments Garofalo. “We must question ourselves as parents and as educators to try to be much more attentive to this discomfort that in this historical moment” seems increasingly widespread, concludes the former head of the RIS who has followed the most terrible crime stories of recent decades.

#Afternoon #Mulino #Bianco #family #Garofalo #Paderno #massacre #Tempo
2024-09-03 14:49:22



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