After Zahavi attack: Bavaria reacts with Lewandowski statement!

Lewandowski advisor Pini Zahavi has sharply attacked the management team at FC Bayern in the past two days. The people of Munich have now responded to the current discussions about Robert Lewandowski with a statement.

The failed contract extension with Robert Lewandowski threatens to become a public mud fight – at least from the point of view of Pini Zahavi. In an interview with “BILD”, the 78-year-old recently sharply criticized the Bayern bosses and blamed them for the current chaos. Now Bayern have in a statement on “SPORT1” request to speak.

“One of the really great players in the history of FC Bayern”

While Zahavi has revealed alleged details of the talks between him and Bayern, the people of Munich do not want to respond to the allegations and are thus acting in a de-escalating manner: “FC Bayern will not comment on descriptions of confidential meetings and allegations of confidential discussions,” explained the club opposite the TV station.

In addition, it was made clear that their position on the Lewandowski case had already been publicly announced: “FC Bayern Munich has repeatedly commented on the current contract between FC Bayern Munich and Robert Lewandowski. FC Bayern has also repeatedly commented on the question of whether FC Bayern made an offer to Robert Lewandowski or his management to extend his contract.”

At the same time, FCB emphasized that Lewandowski was “one of the really great players in the history of FC Bayern. Herbert Hainer, Oliver Kahn and Hasan Salihamidzic have repeatedly expressed publicly how much FC Bayern values ​​Robert and how important he is for the FC Bayern team.”

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