After Yang Ming was released from prison, his first recent photos showed fatigue, and he was deceived by fraudsters, so he urgently clarified

After Yang Ming was released from prison, his first recent photos showed fatigue, and he was deceived by fraudsters, so he urgently clarified

Yang Ming had a traffic accident on Majixian Gap Road in Mid-Levels in August 2020. He was charged with “careless driving” and other crimes. On December 22 last year, the High Court rejected his appeal and upheld the original sentence. He was required to serve 18 days in prison immediately. Released from prison on January 7. After more than a week, a few days ago (15th) he updated his social network for the first time after regaining his freedom, and uploaded two recent photos, including a selfie on the flyover wearing a mask and a photo with his pet dog. good mood. And he posted again yesterday (16th), pointing out that someone was bluffing and defrauding on his social network, reminding everyone to be careful: “Please be careful, there have been responses from counterfeit my page in my various posts recently, please don’t click any links, what is winning a lottery , All distributions that need to be registered are all fake,[pay attention to the name and it will be clear]Thank you everyone! Happy New Year.”


After Yang Ming was released from prison earlier, he made a film to apologize.


Recently, he finally updated his social network.


A recent photo was posted, with a haggard face.


He also pointed out that he was deceived by someone with a false name, reminding everyone to be careful.

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