After the Stoos debacle: Schwingerkönig Sempach calls for a classification revolution

After the debacle on the Stoos

Schwingerkönig Sempach calls for a classification revolution

Last weekend’s Stoos-Schwinget continues to reverberate. Now wrestling king Matthias Sempach is also getting involved in the classification discussions. The Bernese calls for a radical change.

Published: 5:02 p.m


Updated: 5:16 p.m

Nicola Abt and Marcel W. Perren

It wasn’t the blazing sun that caused red faces at the Stoos-Schwinget last weekend, but rather the division. The Bernese wrestling legend Christian Oesch raged following the mountain classic in Central Switzerland: “What’s happening here reminds me a lot more of a horse trade in the deepest Emmental than of a fair competition!”

There were really no gifts for the wrestlers from the Bern region. Non-Swiss Michael Ledermann was given five “bad guys”. Experienced Matthias Aeschbacher had to work twice with colleagues from the association and missed the crown.

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