After the “speech of accusation”… the war of “values” erupted between the West and Moscow

PutinHis focus was on a critique of what he called Western centralism, and he accused the West That he divides the world into "civilized world" And"rest of the world" and to "first world" And"other worlds".

Observers saw the accusations between Moscow And Washington, an indication of the widening of the conflict, which is no longer traditional, over influence, vital areas and interests, but has become closer to a form of a war of civilizations, values ​​and ideas.

On the other hand, there are those who accuse Russia of undermining the foundations of the existing international order, while encouraging far-right movements that do not hide their admiration for Moscow, especially in issues related to human rights.

Evoke the language of the Cold War

The strategic expert and professor of international relations and conflict resolution, Hassan Al Momani, says in an interview with the website "Sky News Arabia"، "In the context of the interactions of international relations and when the conflicts between the major powers intensify, they crystallize and global polarizations intensify. Thus, what Putin says now is similar to what prevailed during the Cold War, when the world was divided between the first, second and third worlds.".

Putin’s message

Al-Momani adds "Putin thus sends a message to the world that the West has a sense of superiority over the rest of the world, which is the rest that has the right to have a say and a balanced role in the international system.".

continued "We do not forget here that Russia is a country that wants to restore its glories, and China is also an emerging country in this direction, and it is natural that such countries seek to change the prevailing global order in line with its interests and to ensure its main partnership in managing the world’s helm and managing its affairs".

The researcher adds that "In this context, Putin makes an appeal to the rest of the world, raising the alarm that Western supremacy will prevail and with it forms of discrimination and inequality between two worlds will perpetuate. One is advanced and the other is backward".

The researcher sees this speech by Putin as an attempt by him to warn many countries and peoples around the world, and alert them to what he described as a Western colonial situation.

Putin warns of what he says is a Western minority that feels superior to a global majority that is supposed to have the right to create a just and balanced new world order.

playing sensitive chords

In turn, the researcher and expert in European and international affairs, Maher Al-Hamdani, says in an interview with"Sky News Arabia"Putin has played professionally on very sensitive issues in the world, especially in America and Europe, most notably the issue of the family and homosexuality, as many believe that there is an organized Western campaign to undermine the foundations of the natural social order around the world, of which the family is its nucleus and daughter, by encouraging homosexuality and sex. The third is a topic that is being raised strongly within Western societies, especially with the rise of extreme right-wing currents in them, and that is what happened, for example, in Italy and before that in Sweden and France.

Al-Hamdani adds that the rest of the world, which suffers from disparities and a small share of wealth, finds itself in front of Putin’s courtship through these words in a manner he described as clever, in a novel that holds the West responsible for the crises that have unfolded in the world, given the role of colonial countries in draining the wealth of the countries that have been subjected to them. , during the last century.

Western warning

Western leaders warn of the growing tendency of the far-right, which admires Russia, in a number of Western European countries, which are nationalist movements that mostly oppose immigrants and refugees, and defend what is described as"Aloofness and isolation" Like leaving the European Union.

Months ago, the former French presidential candidate, Marine Le Pen, who is affiliated with the far-right, was accused of showing complacency to the Russians, in parallel with attacking the Muslim community.

Meanwhile, defenders of Western values ​​and democracy, or so-called liberals, present themselves as an incubator for pluralism and difference.

At the beginning of his term, US President Joe Biden emphasized addressing what he considered a threat coming from "Beijing and Moscow" Both, accusing the two countries of involvement in the practices "undemocratic" and encouragement abroad.

Moscow critics say that the course of the war in Ukraine, and how to deal with its opponents inside Russia, whether among the elite or in the media, revealed that Moscow is fed up with"dissenting opinion"while the western system is characterized by"more" From the openness of the chest about the opposing viewpoint.

Westerners warn that the victory of their regime is in the interest of spreading the values ​​of democracy and freedom, while they consider any Russian expansion as a threat to human rights and a tendency toward authoritarianism.


One of the most controversial and sensitive issues raised by him PutinHis focus was on a critique of what he called Western centralism, and he accused the West That he divides the world into “civilized world” and “rest of the world” and into “first world” and “other worlds”.

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Observers saw the accusations between Moscow And Washington, an indication of the widening of the conflict, which is no longer traditional, over influence, vital areas and interests, but has become closer to a form of a war of civilizations, values ​​and ideas.

On the other hand, there are those who accuse Russia of undermining the foundations of the existing international order, while encouraging far-right movements that do not hide their admiration for Moscow, especially in issues related to human rights.

Evoke the language of the Cold War

In an interview with Sky News Arabia, the strategic expert and professor of international relations and conflict resolution, Hassan Al-Momani, says, “In the context of international relations interactions, and when conflicts between major powers intensify, they crystallize and global polarization intensifies, and thus what Putin says now is similar to what prevailed during The Cold War, when the world was divided into first, second and third world.

Putin’s message

Momani adds, “Putin is thus sending a message to the world that the West has a sense of superiority over the rest of the world, which has the right to have a say and a balanced role in the international system.”

“We do not forget here that Russia is a country that wants to restore its glories, and China is also an emerging country in this direction, and it is natural that such countries seek to change the prevailing global order in line with their interests and ensure their main partnership in managing the world’s helm and managing its affairs,” he added.

The researcher adds that “in this context, Putin makes an appeal to the rest of the world, raising the alarm that Western supremacy will prevail and with it forms of discrimination and inequality between two worlds, one developed and the other backward.”

The researcher sees this speech by Putin as an attempt by him to warn many countries and peoples around the world, and alert them to what he described as a Western colonial situation.

Putin warns of what he says is a Western minority that feels superior to a global majority that is supposed to have the right to create a just and balanced new world order.

playing sensitive chords

In turn, the researcher and expert in European and international affairs, Maher Al-Hamdani, said in an interview with “Sky News Arabia”, that Putin played professionally on strings and very sensitive issues in the world, especially in America and Europe, most notably the issue of family and homosexuality, where many believe that there are An organized Western campaign to undermine the foundations of the natural social system around the world, of which the family is its nucleus and daughter, by encouraging homosexuality and the third sex, a topic that is being raised strongly within Western societies, especially with the rise of extremist right-wing currents in them, and this is what happened, for example, in Italy and before it in Sweden and France.

Al-Hamdani adds that the rest of the world, which suffers from disparities and a small share of wealth, finds itself in front of Putin’s courtship through these words in a manner he described as clever, in a novel that holds the West responsible for the crises that have unfolded in the world, given the role of colonial countries in draining the wealth of the countries that were subject to them. , during the last century.

Western warning

Western leaders warn of the rise in a number of western European countries of the far-right tendencies that admire Russia, which are nationalist movements that mostly oppose immigrants and refugees, and advocate what is described as “retrograde and isolationism” such as withdrawing from the European Union.

Months ago, the former French presidential candidate, Marine Le Pen, who is affiliated with the far-right, was accused of showing complacency to the Russians, in parallel with attacking the Muslim community.

Meanwhile, defenders of Western values ​​and democracy, or so-called liberals, present themselves as an incubator for pluralism and difference.

At the beginning of his term, US President Joe Biden emphasized confronting what he considered a threat from “Beijing and Moscow” alike, accusing the two countries of engaging in “anti-democratic” practices and encouraging them abroad.

Moscow critics say that the course of the war in Ukraine, and how to deal with its opponents inside Russia, whether among the elite or in the media, revealed that Moscow is fed up with “opposing opinion”, while the Western system is characterized by a “greater degree” of openness. about the opposing viewpoint.

Westerners warn that the victory of their regime is in the interest of spreading the values ​​of democracy and freedom, while they consider any Russian expansion as a threat to human rights and a tendency toward authoritarianism.

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