After the MUR, the PJD calls for demonstrations against normalization with Israel

The Rabat section of the Justice and Development Party called this week on its members and supporters to participate “massively” in the commemoration, this Wednesday, of Palestinian Land Day. She explains, in a press release, that this appeal comes “in commemoration of Earth Day celebrated annually on March 30 and in solidarity with [les] brother in occupied Palestine”.

The Rabat section of the PJD insisted on recalling the party’s “constant position” on the Palestinian question, considered “just and central” as well as the refusal of “all forms of normalization and Zionist infiltration in our country”. .

The PJD’s call to demonstrate comes a few days following that of the Uniqueness and Reform Movement (MUR), the party’s ideological matrix. Sundaythe WALL renewed “its firm condemnation of all the procedures and agreements signed with the Zionist entity”, considering that normalization with Israel “contradicts Morocco’s honorable historical course in favor of Palestine and distorts the image of the Kingdom , which leads the Al-Quds Committee”.

The movement has also joined the call of the National Action Group for Palestine, which wishes to commemorate Land Day through a demonstration, scheduled for this Wednesday at 6:00 p.m., in front of the Parliament in Rabat.

March 30, chosen to commemorate Land Day, coincides with the strike that took place in 1976, when Palestinians in Israel decided to demonstrate once morest the confiscation of 2,500 hectares of land in the Galilee. An action brutally repressed by the Israeli army and which had caused 6 deaths, hundreds of injuries and arrests.



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