After the death of Hassan Nasrullah, several tweets were issued from his account, what were the last words? – World

Hassan Nasrallah, head of the Iranian-backed Lebanese military organization Hezbollah, has been martyred in an Israeli attack, Hezbollah has issued several tweets from Hassan Nasrallah’s account confirming the martyrdom.

The first tweet pinned to Hassan Nasrallah’s Twitter account read ‘Inna lillah wa wainna ilahi rajioon’ with a smiling picture of the martyred head of Hezbollah.

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Then another tweet published his statement from 1992, in which Hassan Nasrallah said that ‘by killing our Secretary General Syed Abbas Mousavi, he wanted to kill our spirit of resistance. But his blood will continue to boil in our veins, strengthening our resolve and quickening our zeal to follow his path’.

A third tweet read, ‘We are far from disgrace, Alhamdulillah and thanks be to God’, along with a picture of his youth.