after the controversy of the kiss in the neck of Marc Lavoine she finally reacts and it will surprise you

He probably did not think that his gesture was going to take on such magnitude. In effect, Marc Lavoine surprised the viewers of the “Star Academy” on November 19 when he allowed himself to kiss Léa on the neck after sharing the stage with her. Following this kiss, many Internet users saw red and expressed their anger on the Web.

“I’m the only one who finds that Marc Lavoine behaved very badly with Léa by kissing her on the hand, kissing her on the neck when it shows that the girl doesn’t like physical contact?” , “Total embarrassment. Good and the kiss in the jackal’s neck, it was a bit too much”, “I found the whole duo with Marc Lavoine very uncomfortable. I saw Léa very uncomfortable, even if she was trying to be in the duo. I also had the impression that the teachers did not approve of Marc Lavoine’s behavior”, some lamented. But in the end, what does the main concerned think of it?

Lea finally reacts

Indeed, if the viewers have deemed “inappropriate” the behavior of Marc Lavoine, it is still necessary to know what the one who was kissed in the neck thinks. Exactly, our colleagues from Tele-Leisure could ask him the question. And to believe his words, it would not have bothered him more than that even if he is not a big fan of physical contact.

“I experienced it very well because Marc Lavoine is benevolent”, she assured in order to calm the controversy. The candidate of the Star Academy then went on to explain why she felt so close to the interpreter of You my love : During rehearsals, he reassured me enormously. He behaved like a dad with me. I loved singing alongside him and I remember my evolution. If I compare this performance with the one I did with Amir, I realize that I have more confidence in myself.”. End of the controversy!

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See also: “A statue that sang”: Michael Goldman disappointed, the director of the “Star Academy” curtly reframes Léa after her duet with Marc Lavoine


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