After the candidacy of Emmanuel Macron, the opposition fears a campaign without debate

Expected for several weeks, Emmanuel Macron’s candidacy for his own re-election was to mark the start of this funny presidential campaign. In any case, this is what his main competitors wanted on the starting line, stuck in a campaign that is struggling to excite the French. Except that since war broke out in Ukraine, doubt has set in.

The candidates fear that this election will become a “administrative formality of renewal of the outgoing” and chief of the armies, according to the formula of Adrien Quatennens, deputy of La France insoumise, at the microphone of France Inter, Friday March 4. “It will take confrontation, debate of ideas, whatever the particular circumstances in which this election is held”said the “rebellious”.

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Does he fear that the Head of State will not get involved in the debate among the other candidates? “In any case, we have the impression that we are taking the path, so we hope that Emmanuel Macron will participate in the debate”, he argues. A wish shared by Valérie Pécresse on Franceinfo at the same time. For the Republican candidate, it is ” absolutely necessary “ that a debate be organized in the presence of the President of the Republic, given the unprecedented context in which the ballot will take place. ” Given the very surprising nature of this campaign, which will take place once morest a background of war, once morest a background of a pandemic, it is absolutely necessary that the President of the Republic accept this debate, because now he is a candidate and he must be accountable.she said. We cannot promise for tomorrow the opposite of what we have done for five years.estimated Mme Pécresse. “He cannot put himself above the people and not come into the arena to debate”, she added.

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Yannick Jadot, the environmental candidate who has just dismissed Sandrine Rousseau from his campaign, also wanted to be able to debate with the President of the Republic. “Yes, there absolutely must be a debate worthy of the name in this country (…). If the debate of the presidential election is truncated, these angers, these anxieties and these fears and these enthusiasms will not find a political outletaccording to him. It is absolutely necessary, if we want to reconcile our country, to appease it and give it a perspective, that we have a serious political debate. »

“It will not be a campaign like the others”, concedes Guerini

The presidential majority concedes it half-word: the debate will not be absent but it will necessarily be truncated. “There will be moments of expression, of course, but in terms of form, it will not be a campaign like the others for the President of the Republic, because we cannot imagine classic moments like we [en] a in election campaigns usually”explained Friday on France 2 Stanislas Guerini, the general delegate of La République en Marche (LRM).

Emmanuel Macron « will campaign because this moment is necessary for the country, (…) this democratic debate will be needed, but it will do so in a context where international events require the President of the Republic to be President more than ever., insisted Mr. Guerini. Responding to opposition criticism of a campaign “Hidden”he has answered : “I see candidates today who, deep down, are obsessed with being able to attack Emmanuel Macron’s record. It is an admission of incredible intellectual impotence because what should count is to present a positive vision for the country. How are they prevented from being able to do so? »

One of the fears of the presidential majority is to see the President of the Republic participate in television programs with ten or eleven candidates, depending on the final list of the Constitutional Council on Monday, once morest him, without him being able to explain his project. “All moments of debate and confrontation are useful and important moments, but it must not turn into a rat race that drags this campaign down”finally warned Mr. Guerini regarding requests for televised debates before the first round, on April 10.

On Franceinfo in the morning, Barbara Pompili, the Minister for Ecological Transition, temporized: “The president said that the campaign, he might not run it as he wanted, but that of course there might be debates of ideas (…). Of course the political debate and the projects must be proposed to the French so that they can make their choice. »

“The President of the Republic will do everything possible to present his project and have the opportunity to discuss it, but it’s not up to me to tell you how it will go,” added Pompili.

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