After the attack of Farid Shawqi’s daughter… the full story of Muhammad Ramadan’s crisis because of

01:44 PM

Wednesday 14 September 2022

Books – Mustafa Hamza:

Producer Nahed Farid Shawqi republished an angry message she addressed to the artist, Mohamed Ramadan, because of the comparison he made between the movie “The Devotion of His Death”, which he starred in in 2012, and the movie “Hamido”, which was shown in 1953, and presented by the artist Farid Shawqi.

Nahed, published her message, on her Facebook page, after the “Al-Nahar” channel re-presented one of the episodes of the “House of the Family” program, during which the artist Mohamed Ramadan appeared with the media, Najwa Ibrahim, and talked about the late artist Farid Shawqi, and said: “The first He worked for him, Hamido, and he was dealing in narcotics, and he was committing an indecency with an artist during the role and after her pregnancy he kills her.”

The artist, Mohamed Ramadan, in the episode that was broadcast for the first time in October 2015, said: “Hamidou’s movie is more difficult than Abdo Mota’s movie, as there are big stars who presented things that are more difficult than Abdo Mota.”

He continued: “I did not invent dancing with a white weapon, as some say, and that he was born in 1988, and everyone dances with a white weapon before he was born.”

The artist, Mohamed Ramadan, added, during television statements, that he will not deny the merit of the films Abdo Mota and The Lion’s Heart over him, because these films are proud of them, that these films talk about bullying, and that they present a reality, and we must address the wrong things.

He confirmed, uh, after the films Abdo his Death and The Lion’s Heart, he started presenting different things, including the series “Ibn Halal”, in which he presented the character “Habisha”, which everyone loved, and there was no word outside in this series.

Producer Nahed Farid Shawqi, “the daughter of the late artist”, for her part, published a post on her Facebook page, responding to the artist, Mohamed Ramadan, with which she said, “The most audacious of Mohamed Ramadan, addressing the comparison between Hamido’s movie, which is still in the minds of the masses, Despite the passage of 70 years, and between the worshipers of death, which ends from the mind of the audience as soon as it is presented, and I will leave the comparison to the critics and the audience.”

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And she continued, “I advise you, Ramadan, not to expose and compare the films of my father, the great artist, which served society and changed laws, and your films that led to corruption of morals and taste, and led to the audacity of murder in the streets.”

Nahed, added a new comment to the post, and wrote, “My beloved father, the great artist Farid Shawqi, you will remain immortal” and “influential” in the hearts and minds of your lovers.

On the other hand, the artist, Mohamed Ramadan, began yesterday, Tuesday, the preparation sessions for the filming of the movie “Marzouk and Eto”, with scriptwriter Amr Mahmoud Yassin, director Mohamed Samir, and producer Jamal Sinan.

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