After talking about “liberating the East”… Is Ukraine being divided?


Fear the watchers والخبراء the military at this archyde news, Marker On that Moscow، Maybe at Shade disobedience Investigation Scenario the control On complete Ukraine وخاصة Capital Kyiv and its cost exorbitant, sound that it you’ll be satisfied achieve its target the first والذي It was a reason to start it the war as Says, and he protection Russians at East Ukraine ضمان their rights.

وتعليقا On semantics archyde news Russian and his luck at Success, Says Mohannad Al-Azzawi, President center Falcon for studies, at لقاء With "Sky News Arabic": "have the Russians since Start the war 3 bets or Goals, Supposedly that it tactical serve Target the strategist represented at stood up expansion swear NATO eastward, و .ولها And the hardest he is the control On Capital ukrainian, Kyiv to drop System President Zelensky واستبداله, . will not succeed frequently being geography military at That Region Difficult is very rugged للغاية ، where Forests dense sway Capital and facilitate Mission Fighting groups Defender small own, Than will implicate Moscow at war gangs and streets و .دغال against her, . Type From wars he is killed armies systemic attacking".

bonus On that Ukraine she was ready so Scenario, as explain expert military And strategic, follow up: "since general, dismantled Ukraine Army regulars and its number Toward a fourth Million soldier With Toward Half Million an item Caution, and trimmed it according to Reports military competent to me 60 one thousand soldier, gesticulate Stay I divided them لفرق ومفارز combative small and mobile, addition when they call Volunteers Aliens Whose sound that they they entered Ukraine Even before outbreak the war".

ويضيف Al-Azzawi: "Target The second he is deprivation Ukraine From its space or her lungs Navy southern, Across Nautical Azov Andthe sea the black، and control On That Regions, Russia almost verification this Target Which at her way to control On odessa, ولاذا you will lose Kyiv its capabilities in the rate of 90 at hundred at export والاستيراد Across its ports . make up a hit severe for its economy".

Target the third he is make Ukraine Country free weapon and neutral and in Now non check it, as Illustrates President center Falcon for studies: "then Moscow you will to isolate East Ukraine وفصله About its west, Especially and surely many From population this is Regions Eastern also From Origin Russian and they talk the Russian language as a language first for them, as at province Donbass, and has forces big at That Regions where dominate On Toward 60 at hundred From East Ukraine, and she can From River Dnipro Isolation the East وجعله Area comma between Russia وغرب Ukraine, . Cucumber subtracted Strongly On table leaders Russians".

and continues expert military: "they will be besiege them About Kyiv، Now their control On the ward oriental للبلاد And regions Ksumi and Kharkov ولوغانسك all the way to for tape marine dominant so On Letters U at East وجنوب Ukraine, And from Then may be Working On Guarantee Independence this is Region and separated About Ukraine وربما they do succesfully name new on her, as Act swear NATO With many From Countries Europe Eastern kyugoslavia For example".


وذكر vice President Pillars the public Russian, sergey Rudskoy, that “Objectives Main for stage first for operation accomplished”.

و .ضاف: “lhave It was completed scale down Capacity combative for the forces Ukrainian in the form of big, Than Allow، concentrated Section the biggest From efforts On Target the main: Release دونباس.

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Fear the watchers والخبراء the military at this archyde news, Marker On that Moscow، Maybe at Shade disobedience Investigation Scenario the control On complete Ukraine وخاصة Capital Kyiv and its cost exorbitant, sound that it you’ll be satisfied achieve its target the first والذي It was a reason to start it the war as Says, and he protection Russians at East Ukraine ضمان their rights.

وتعليقا On semantics archyde news Russian and his luck at Success, Says Mohannad Al-Azzawi, President center Falcon for studies, at لقاء WithSky News Arabic”: “The Russians have since Start the war 3 bets or Goals, Supposedly that it tactical serve Target the strategist represented at stood up expansion swear NATO eastward, و .ولها And the hardest he is the control On Capital ukrainian, Kyiv to drop System President Zelensky واستبداله, . will not succeed frequently being geography military at That Region Difficult is very rugged للغاية ، where Forests dense sway Capital and facilitate Mission Fighting groups Defender small own, Than will implicate Moscow at war gangs and streets و .دغال against her, . Type From wars he is killed armies systemic attacking”.

bonus On that Ukraine she was ready so Scenario, as explain expert military And strategic, follow up: “Since general, dismantled Ukraine Army regulars and its number Toward a fourth Million soldier With Toward Half Million an item Caution, and trimmed it according to Reports military competent to me 60 one thousand soldier, gesticulate Stay I divided them لفرق ومفارز combative small and mobile, addition when they call Volunteers Aliens Whose sound that they they entered Ukraine Even before outbreak the war.

ويضيف Al-Azzawi: “Target The second he is deprivation Ukraine From its space or her lungs Navy southern, Across Nautical Azov Andthe sea the black، and control On That Regions, Russia almost verification this Target Which at her way to control On odessa, ولاذا you will lose Kyiv its capabilities in the rate of 90 at hundred at export والاستيراد Across its ports . make up a hit severe for its economy.

Target the third he is make Ukraine Country free weapon and neutral and in Now non check it, as Illustrates President center Falcon for studies: “The Moscow you will to isolate East Ukraine وفصله About its west, Especially and surely many From population this is Regions Eastern also From Origin Russian and they talk the Russian language as a language first for them, as at province Donbass, and has forces big at That Regions where dominate On Toward 60 at hundred From East Ukraine, and she can From River Dnipro Isolation the East وجعله Area comma between Russia وغرب Ukraine, . Cucumber subtracted Strongly On table leaders the Russians”.

and continues expert military: “They will besiege them About Kyiv، Now their control On the ward oriental للبلاد And regions Ksumi and Kharkov ولوغانسك all the way to for tape marine dominant so On Letters U at East وجنوب Ukraine, And from Then may be Working On Guarantee Independence this is Region and separated About Ukraine وربما they do succesfully name new on her, as Act swear NATO With many From Countries Europe Eastern kyugoslavia For example”.

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