After swimming: That’s where the red pustules come from

A visit to the outdoor pool is as much a part of summer as ice cream and sunscreen! But while most climb out of the water refreshed, the torment begins for others: one Chlorallergie causes itchy and red patches on the skin. Where does the rash come from and what to do about it.

Chlorine allergy: what helps against the nasty rash?

How does a chlorine allergy develop?

In the event of an allergic reaction, the body stops a actually harmless substance for dangerous. He fights the apparent danger like a pathogen. This creates an inflammatory reaction, e.g. B. Rash.

The situation is different with a chlorine allergy: Chlorine is actually present in high concentrations harmful to us. It can irritate the skin, mucous membranes and respiratory tract. However, the level of chlorine in swimming pools is so low that while it kills bacteria, viruses and fungi, it does not cause problems for most people.

If you though sensitive skin or your airways are easily irritable, an allergic reaction may occur. Allergy sufferers and people suffering from asthma or neurodermatitis are particularly affected.

Continue reading: Are you afraid of suffering from a sun allergy? You can find out all about the symptoms here.

What are typical symptoms?

A chlorine allergy can manifest itself in many ways. The skin is usually affected. Contact dermatitis occurs. This is expressed by:

  • redness
  • swelling
  • itching
  • pustules
  • feeling of dryness and tension
In the case of a chlorine allergy, the skin also reacts with redness and a rash. Photo: Imago / agefotostock

But the eyes can also be affected. It comes to:

A chlorine allergy can also affect the respiratory tract. Those affected may then suffer from:

  • Cough
  • Sneeze
  • Atemproblemen

danger: If the symptoms worsen and possibly even lead to circulatory problems and If you are short of breath, you should definitely call a doctor.

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What to do about the rash

if you under recurring and severe symptoms If you suffer from a chlorine allergy, only one thing helps: Avoid chlorinated water. As an alternative to the pool, you could go swimming in the lake or sea.

People with less severe symptoms can try the following:

  1. Prefer outdoor pools and outdoor pools: In closed swimming pools the air contains more chlorine. Anyone who reacts primarily with irritated airways should swim outside if possible.
  2. Shower off after swimming: Thoroughly! This will wash the chlorine off your skin. Rashes that manifest as pustules or wheals can possibly be prevented in this way.
  3. Apply lotion after showering: Especially if you have sensitive skin, care is the be-all and end-all. A rich cream protects your skin from drying out and prevents irritation.

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