After slapping “shame” on Argmani, this is Dan Margalit’s explanation

“helps postpone the deal”

Margalit visited Argamani and her father who joined Netanyahu on his flight to Washington. “Delete the ‘disgrace’, not the whole post”

Much criticism was leveled today (Tuesday) towards veteran journalist Dan Margalit who harshly criticized Noa Argamani and her father who joined Prime Minister Netanyahu’s flight to Washington.

Margalit wrote “Shame on Noa Argamani and her father who willingly serve as scenery for Bibi’s show in Washington.” In an interview with Laban Caspit and Aryeh Eldadev-103fm, he explained what was behind his words and gave his arguments on the subject.

“Noa Argamani was kidnapped on October 7, a day of terrible Israeli failure. She went through suffering and agony,” said Margalit. “The IDF risked the lives of its soldiers and freed her and the lives of others. The IDF rightly endangered the lives of its soldiers,” he later claimed and welcomed the IDF’s action.

“Noa Argamani chose to express not only what happened to her but also her public positions – and anyone who expresses his opinion on public matters – I, Ben Caspit or Aryeh Eldad, should be ready to be criticized for his actions as well,” he explained his criticism.

The interviewers wondered about Margalit’s use of harsh words like “shame” towards Noa Argamani and her father. “I am ready to delete the word ‘disgrace,'” he said. Eldad asked if he would agree to delete the entire post – to which Margalit replied: “I will not delete this entire post because I think it is a grave mistake that Hatupa would travel with Netanyahu at this time.”

Margalit added that “all I’m saying is that whoever travels with Bibi and this entourage to the US, when the abductee deal is at stake, is helping to postpone the execution of the deal.”



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