After serving his sentences, the leader of ODEL, Miguel Báez, returns to the political arena with an event in Roca

2023-11-28 10:41:25

After purging a sentence for two cases against him although he still has one pending for simple sexual abuse (two years and a half) the leader of the Organization of the Unemployed in Struggle (ODEL), Miguel Báez, will return to the political arena with an event scheduled for today at the Spanish Rock Association.

«The Militancy of ODEL Río Negro Prepares for this Tuesday the 28th the great meeting with Our Social Leader Miguel Báez after 945 days of not having contact with Our Maximum reference»indicates a flyer released in the last few hours.

Judicial sources confirmed that Báez exhausted his sentence in the case for «disturbance of property” as an instigator (one year and eight months), after the violent entry intoThe RÍO NEGRO Newspaper building occurred in 2021, where they demanded the dismissal of the journalist who had investigated the case of sexual abuse against the ODEL leader. The leader of the unemployed had already served another sentence for the also violent entry into the Roca Municipality building (2016).

It should be remembered that Báez He served a good part of his sentence under house arrest and monitored through an electronic anklet..

Las Judicial sources confirmed that on November 20 he exhausted the sentence he had in the Criminal Execution Court No. 10, although they highlighted that the process that was appealed to the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation for the case of sexual abuse is still pending. simple. The victim turned out to be a leader of the organization itself who reported the touching and the events that occurred to her while she was part of ODEL.

Precisely There lies the danger of Báez’s freedom because if the sentence is ratified it would be effective. since he has a criminal record.

In this period it had already been dismissed due to the criterion of opportunity in a case that had been initiated for violating the restriction of movement during a pandemic. And in another for aggravated damage, threats, doubly aggravated attack on authority, disruption of the exercise of public functions and instigation to commit crimes. There he was given a suspended sentence, but since it was handed down prior to the conviction for disturbance in the Diario RÍO NEGRO, it was not changed to effective.

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Báez also faced a trial in federal jurisdiction along with other ATE leaders -among whom was Romeo Aguiar, son of the national leader of ATE Rodolfo Aguiar, who in 2019 surrounded the home of the former Secretary of Social Development of the Nation, Miriam Saigg. But that process ended with a financial agreement for which the union representatives paid a sum of 15 thousand dollars to the victim. «It does not imply recognition of any type of responsibility or of the commission of a crime by the accused, who thus fully maintain the constitutional presumption of innocence. and therefore its compliance implies the extinction of the case due to dismissal,” Báez’s lawyer, Diego Broggini, revealed at that time.

Event in Hispaniola

As it emerged in the last few hours, The ODEL leader rented the Spanish Association’s hall – one of the most expensive in the city – for an approximate value of 300,000 pesos. And he plans to carry out activities for several hours since the objective is to recover part of the organization that was dismantled in March 2021 when Báez was arrested in the context of the case for simple sexual abuse. After this judicial measure, the attack on the facilities of the Diario RÍO NEGRO was unleashed.

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