The final episode of the anime aired today. Pokémon: Aim to Be a Pokémon Master in Japan, with which the history of Satoshi (Ash Ketchum) within the animated franchise, which had been the lead since the premiere in April 1997. A story that had lasted for twenty-six consecutive years finally comes to an end, although a new story with new main characters is already being prepared.
This episode was massively promoted in Japan, such as on the screens of Shinjuku Station, where we can see that a review is given of the more than twenty-five years of broadcasts of the animated franchise:
A variety of comments also emerged from the Japanese public, noting:
- «Oh no, it’s over…»
- «I really liked Pikachu’s presence in the series, let’s hope he can be properly replaced».
- «The Pikachu from the last episode was extremely adorable».
- «That ending gave me hope that Ash Ketchum’s story would continue, but it’s time to face reality.».
- «Ash Ketchum, thank you so much for your hard work all these years.».
- «In the last episode they went on a trip together once more, but we will never know where he was going».
- «I really cried with this final episode of Pokémon, it was like my entire childhood went to Ash Ketchum’s side. But I will always continue to support this franchise!».
- «I hope to continue seeing Ash Ketchum in the future, maybe he’ll just make a cameo in the new series.».
- «I don’t know how a Pokémon series will be without Ash Ketchum as the protagonist, I really don’t know how it will be».
- «Too bad they squeezed the anime by changing Ash Ketchum’s 90s design to make it more appealing to children. I hope they know how to give the new protagonist more support».
- «Farewell to the immortal. The Pokémon franchise has come to an end. If we are old and he comes back, we will die peacefully».
- «I haven’t seen the episode yet and I’m already feeling nostalgic».
- «Most of those who complain that Ash Ketchum’s story is over haven’t even seen Pokémon for years. It’s like the people who complained when the Chabelo program ended».
- «Too late, the original gist of the series ended at the end of Diamond and Pearl, all that followed were reboots and changes to the original characters and no real development.».
- «Only for you, friend Ash Ketchum, I want to live».
- «26 long years, pure asshole courage, disappointments, sadness, but it was fun. I’m going to miss you damn».
- «It hits nostalgia, but it was a fair and necessary move».
The importance was such that the hashtag “#ThankYouAshAndPikachu” became a trend on social networks around the world, commemorative illustrations such as:
Fuente: Twitter