After gang rape in Kortrijk with suspects between 11 and 16: what drives (very) young teenagers to sexual violence?

After gang rape in Kortrijk with suspects between 11 and 16: what drives (very) young teenagers to sexual violence?

Which things lead to sexually transgressive behavior among minors? “There are many hypotheses regarding this and it is impossible to draw up a specific profile for underage perpetrators,” says De Boeck. “But regardless of their background, you should certainly not underestimate the aspect of group dynamics in these facts.”

“Teenagers are still developing: in general, but also in their search for their identity, and also sexually. Assessing whether certain behavior is acceptable is somewhat more difficult at that stage of life. In addition, the impact of the group and not to underestimate their peers. Peer pressure is an important factor among teenagers, and it will also have had an impact on these facts.”

“Important: in every group dynamic there are leaders and followers. So group pressure in itself is still a complex issue with different roles and motives. It is important to see what is going on with each young person individually. Whether there is a developmental problem, social vulnerabilities, or blurring of norms. There is no single cause or explanation for sexual misconduct among them.”

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