After fierce criticism: Manager suspended and area manager fired at defamed institution

Nordjyske learns that the area manager has just been fired, and the top manager at the institution itself has stopped working from today on his own initiative.

The leader’s exit is confirmed by the chairman of Hjørring Municipality’s Social, Elderly and Handicapped Committee, Claus Mørkbak Højrup (V).

– We have the latest reports – i.a. from the Social Security Administration and an investigation that the municipality itself has initiated – got a picture of some terrible and horrible conditions, says Claus Højrup.

Has it been the management’s fault that it has gone completely off track?

– There have been major problems in the cooperation between management, employees and relatives, and in the end it must be the management that has to bear the brunt of it, says Claus Højrup and adds:

– I am happy that we can look forward to a new start and get the situation rectified.

The criticism has been there for a long time. Why is something happening now?

– We must act when we have sufficient information about the conditions. And we only got that now, i.a. in the Social Security Administration’s report and the investigation we have initiated ourselves, says Claus Højrup.

Claus Mørkbak Højrup is looking forward to a new start on Aage Holms Vej
Photo: Lars Pauli

Action plan

At the same time that a new management must now be found, the politicians have also adopted an action plan that will further restore the well-being and security among both employees and residents.

A screened ward with particularly vulnerable and outward-reacting residents, which the institution has not been equipped to run at all, will be closed.

Efforts must be made in relation to on-call planning, so that employees and residents can count on the employees who are on duty to also show up at the houses and functions in question.

Precisely the fact that the residents have not been able to count on who came on duty has been something that has created great insecurity.

Finally, through a new relatives’ council, better cooperation must be created between the relatives, employees, residents and a future new management.

A new management and the other measures go down well with the relatives.

– It is fantastic and a great relief that they have now listened to what we relatives have been saying for a long time. I hope that Aage Holms Vej can now again become a good place to be, says one of the relatives, Helle Ditlevsen, who has a brother who lives at the institution.

In addition to a new management, Helle Ditlevsen highlights the plan for the new family council as a prerequisite for re-establishing good cooperation at Aage Holms Vej.

Nordjyske has tried to get a comment from the departed managers. It has not been possible.

Also read

Resident fears neighbor and lives behind locked door: – It is deeply objectionable that no one does anything

2024-08-16 13:25:49
#fierce #criticism #Manager #suspended #area #manager #fired #defamed #institution



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