After Eid and Fattah, improve the function of your digestive system with 4 foods

Intestine Health is fundamentally essential to every function that occurs in your body. Everything from digestion to immunity to mood is related to gut health in some way. Of all the ways you can help nourish your gut microbiome, your high-fiber diet can improve the functioning of your digestive system. Foods to eat for a balanced intestine mindbodygreen“.

1. Legumes and whole grains:

Legumes and whole grains are full of fiber, resistant starches and polyphenols, which are the three main classes of prebiotics that feed the good bacteria in your gut not to mention that the high fiber content will help slow the absorption of your food and balance your post-meal blood sugar response..

2. Leafy vegetables:

They have virtually no calories and are packed with nutrients, such as kale, watercress, collard greens, etc., which means they are full of fiber and keep your gut bacteria thriving.

Research has found that a protein in leafy green vegetables stimulates the production of important immune cells called innate lymphocytes (ILCs) In the gut, it is a prime example of how gut health and immunity are closely related.

3. Broccoli Sprouts:

Broccoli sprouts, for example, contain higher amounts of the antioxidant sulforaphane than ripe broccoli. Sulforaphane is an incredibly gut-healthy antioxidant that has the ability to stabilize free radicals by activating protein Nfr2 which in turn activates certain antioxidant genes in your body. One study showed that sulforaphane from broccoli sprouts activates enzymes in the body that pick up pollutants from the bloodstream and flush them out through the urine..

4. Fermented foods:

If fiber is making you bloat, you may want to feed your gut microbiome with fermented foods. This is another way we can improve your digestive health. The best fermented foods to try are sauerkraut, sourdough bread, yogurt, and yogurt.

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