After customer complaints, Starbucks removes its chicken sandwich from the menu

  • In 2021, Starbucks reported approximately US$61.758 million.

  • The American company has 33,800 coffee shops in the world.

  • Starbucks recorded a 2021 American Customer Satisfaction Index of 79 points.

Consumer complaints are heard by brands. This is the case that happened in the United States, with Starbucks, after in the month of June it will incorporate in its summer menu a new sandwich of chicken, but the product was quietly withdrawn after customers and employees will call in sick after consuming it.

It is no secret to anyone that Starbucks is one of the best positioned brands worldwide, and much of this is due to the attention it provides to each of its consumers worldwide, where it has according to his own report plus of 33,800 coffee machines worldwide.

Given all this, the American firm, in 2021, reached its highest brand value since the beginning of the period, with a value approximately 61 thousand 758 million US dollars, refers a study of Kantar Millward Brown.

Starbucks removes its new chicken sandwich from the menu for this reason

The launch of sandwich that he had all the expectations of the brand to be part of the chicken sandwich war against the other fast food chains in the United States, Didn’t get the result you expected. since it was quietly withdrawn due to complaints from customers and the firm’s own employees who consumed it.

According to information released by The New York Post, the chicken sandwich had ingredients like maple butter and egg and would have caused diarrhea, vomiting and stomach pain to several Starbucks customers and workers.

Likewise, the American media mentions that some of the people who became ill after eating the sandwich launched on June 21 they shared what happened through social networks, where many even mention that they were going to “sue”.

“Sue for the worst diarrhea of ​​my life. I’ve been living in my bathroom for 2 days,” posted a user on the TikTok platform.

“I had him last Wednesday…super sick…he tested positive for campylobacter (food poisoning caused by raw chicken) on Sunday”, reads another comment on networks.

But also among the comments, other US consumers indicated that the sandwich felt raw or icy in the middle.

As in all countries, there are various recommendations when it comes to eating or selling food, in the United States, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warn that raw chicken is often contaminated with bacteria Campylobacter and sometimes with Salmonella bacteria and Clostridium perfringens.

Therefore, people who consume chicken in an unsuitable state can contract the infection by Campylobacter. The CDC also notes that people infected with Campylobacter They often have diarrhea, fever, and stomach cramps. They may also manifest nausea and vomiting.

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brand stance

For its part, among other complaints was that of a Starbucks employee who shared a memorandum in a TikTok video urgent June 27 in which the chain asks employees to immediately stop selling and dispose of the sandwich.

As published by The Post, Starbucks acknowledged that the sandwich Chicken Maple Butter “did not meet Starbucks quality standards” and that the company issued a voluntary recall and “do not sell” or donate order.

This type of action falls between the protocol that activates a brand when it comes to product quality, such as Starbucks other brands have done it when they register that something is not right in their production. Let us remember that in April the European firm Ferrero announced that it had withdrawn from the market a batch of Kinder eggs for the discovery of cases of salmonella in Europe.

Although this decision of the brands directly affects their sales, it is very important because it shows that They are responsible for any eventuality that may harm the health of their consumers.

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