After crashing into a bus in Linz: Motorcyclist (74) died in hospital

A motorcycle ride on Sunday morning ended in death for a man from the Wels-Land district: the pensioner lost control of his motorcycle at around 10 a.m. while driving on the B125 and fell. He slid into the front left of an oncoming bus that was heading towards Gallneukirchen and came to rest behind the bus.

The 74-year-old was responsive after the accident, but had suffered such severe injuries that he had to be treated by the emergency doctor and then taken to Med. Campus 3. There, the doctors fought in vain for the man’s life: the pensioner succumbed to his serious injuries, police announced late Sunday afternoon.

The exact circumstances of the accident are still under investigation, the police said. The bus’s tachograph is also being evaluated. The driver (58) and a passenger survived the accident unharmed.

Serious accident in the Mühlviertel

A serious motorcycle accident also occurred in the Mühlviertel on Sunday: A 68-year-old German, who was travelling north on the B125 from Neumarkt, lost control of his two-wheeler at around 3 p.m. in the roundabout to the S10 junction. He came too far into the middle of the road, hit the curb of the traffic island with his front wheel and fell. The rescue team took the seriously injured man to the state hospital in Freistadt.

This article was last updated at 19:43.


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