After being kicked out of ProSieben | Helena Fürst: “As if I wasn’t quite right in my head”

No not at all. On the contrary, I must have called the production company six times to ask when the show was going to air and how my sacking was edited. Then I was only told: “You’ve been ill.” Yes, well, I thought, then it won’t be that bad. But I didn’t know in which episode it was shown. Then on Friday I watched them on Joyn and was – shocked! I called my ex-manager and told him that things shouldn’t stop there. In the meantime, the first media had reported regarding it.

In your post you wrote that you now through are with reality TV.

Yes, following this experience I can only say that I’m through with it. It’s crazy the agony you have to go through. This is not worth the money!

Helena Fürst is through with reality TV.
Helena Fürst is through with reality TV. (What: imago pictures)

t-online asked the broadcaster for a statement on the expulsion of Helena Fürst. ProSieben spokesman Christoph Körfer: “It is correct that Helena Fürst has to leave ‘Das Große Promi-Büßen’ early due to violations of the rules of the game in the second episode. The decision was made during filming following consultation with the psychologist on site. In this context, it was also decided not to show her ’round of shame’ in order to protect Helena Fürst.”

The broadcaster thus seems to be complying with a moral duty of care. But wouldn’t it have been more consistent to remove Helena Fürst from the entire episode? “No” is the short and concise answer from the broadcaster. And which rules of the game did Helena Fürst actually break? t-online also asked ProSieben regarding this. The answer: “Against the rules of ‘The Big Celebrity Penance’.”

Consequences for Calvin Kleinen?

These rules also include that neither sexist, racist nor homophobic statements are tolerated. The fact that Calvin Kleinen says “fuck you” to Carina Spack for “fun” is not punished. According to Oliva Jones, it’s probably just a trivial offense by the tried-and-tested trash TV candidate who is appearing to atone for his stone-age image of women. “You only reduce women to their appearance, like a horny baboon.”

As for why Calvin Kleinen didn’t have to go despite making sexist remarks to Carina Spack, the broadcaster said: “Without spoiling too much, we’d like to point out Calvin Kleinen’s upcoming ’round of shame’.”

Substitute for “celebrities under palm trees”

“The big celebrity penance” is a replacement for “Celebrities under the palm trees”. The format that caused a scandal in 2020 when the then participant Claudia Obert was bullied by her fellow campaigners. Right at the front: Matthias Mangiapane and Carina Spack, who are now vowing improvement in the “penitent camp”.



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