After Alexandria, Syria and Qatar… the cancellation of Muhammad Ramadan’s concert in Iraq

05:52 PM

Tuesday 11 October 2022

Books – Mustafa Hamza:

The artist, Mohamed Ramadan, faces a new shock, after announcing the revival of concerts in 3 Arab countries, namely Syria, Qatar and Iraq, after the crisis of canceling his concert, which was scheduled to be held in Alexandria Governorate.

The Kurdish “Radwa” website, published statements of the mayor of Erbil district, Naz Abdul Hamid, made today, Tuesday, to the Rudaw Media Network, in which he said that the concert, which the artist, Muhammad Ramadan, announced that he will present in Erbil-Kurdistan, was canceled by a decision of the Governor of Erbil, Omid Khoshnaw. .

The Director of Relations of the Ministry of Culture and Youth of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Namiq Hawrami, told Rudaw that, “The license to bring in Muhammad Ramadan was not granted by them (Erbil Governorate), and therefore they do not have the authority to prevent the holding of any concert for any artist, but the Ministry of Culture does not support the idea of ​​holding any party out of the way.” Respect for the sons of East Kurdistan who gave martyrs.”

The artist, Mohamed Ramadan, recently faced a crisis of canceling several concerts, and the beginning was with the concert that was scheduled to be held at Jewel Festival, in the Sidi Gaber area in Alexandria, on Friday, October 7, and it was canceled after the launch of an anti-hashtag against him under the title “You are not welcome in Alexandria.” .

Syria refuses

The artist, Mohamed Ramadan, announced that he had signed contracts for three concerts in three different countries, stressing that “the first concert, God willing, in sisterly Syria, Thursday, October 6, one day before the Alexandria concert,” was also answered hours later.

And the Syrian Artists Syndicate, through its Facebook page, issued a clarification statement in which it completely denied the presence of a concert by the artist, Muhammad Ramadan, in Damascus during the coming period.

The Syrian Artists Syndicate said: “A note on what is being circulated through social media about holding a concert by artist Muhammad Ramadan in Damascus. Rumors”

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The Syndicate of Artists in Syria issued a new statement, announcing its refusal to authorize the holding of the concert, which the artist Mohamed Ramadan announced to hold in Syria next Thursday, October 6, in Syria.

Dr. Simon Khoury, “Secretary of the Artists Syndicate in Syria”, in an exclusive statement to “Masrawy”, commented on the issue of a study of the position of the artist Mohamed Ramadan’s concert, and said: “It is not true, there is no concert for the artist Mohamed Ramadan.”

Hashtag Qatar refuses

Twitter witnessed the launch of a hashtag under the title “Qatar rejects Muhammad Ramadan”, after the artist announced that he would present a concert in Doha on November 25.

The comments of a number of Qataris came via Twitter: Was a license really granted to this person who spoke about Qatar? He is oppressed by the singer who sings with us after he insulted us?

The Qatari Ministry of Culture replied: “We thank you for your inquiry, and we would like to note that the Ministry has not given any license.”

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