After a manicure, she develops skin cancer

Just before Thanksgiving, 50-year-old Grace Garcia goes to a beauty salon to get her nails done. Her usual address is out of space, so she changes, and the manicure doesn’t quite go as planned, to the point that she’s developed skin cancer, reports WebMD.

During the treatment, Grace Garcia is cut on her finger. As she is not sure that the instruments have been properly disinfected before use, she uses a topical antibiotic cream to treat the wound for a few days. But his wound is struggling to heal, and eventually closes up forming a dark bump, the area becomes painful.

HPV-related cancer

Worried, she goes to the doctor who believes that the bump is due to friction from writing. It was only during an appointment with her gynecologist, five months later, that Grace Garcia spoke of this incident again and was advised to go consult a dermatologist. Especially since a kind of wart has developed in this place of his finger.

After a biopsy, it is revealed to her that she is suffering from a very common cancer, a squamous cell carcinoma, which is manifested by the rapid and abnormal growth of squamous cells (it is also called squamous cell carcinoma). Its most common cause is regular exposure to the sun as well as cabien tan. On the other hand, in the case of this woman, the cause is extremely rare: papillomavirus. (…)


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