After a league game: FC Hertha Wels parts ways with coach Sulimani

Sensation in the regional football league: After the first round, promotion hopeful FC Hertha Wels announced that coach Emin Sulimani would be relieved of his duties.

This decision was made by the sporting management together with the club management. Until the successor is announced, the third division team will be coached by Juniors coach Reinhard Furthner on an interim basis during the final training session today and at tomorrow’s home game against Weiz.

“Development not in line with our expectations”

Sporting director Rene Swete: “First of all, I would like to thank Emin Sulimani for his cooperation over the last few weeks. On a personal level, it is a more than painful step that we have decided on together as a club. However, we see the sporting process as stagnating in recent months and therefore this step is unavoidable. I wish Emin all the best for his future career and continued success.”

Club manager Peter Huliak: “Emin has done a great job for the club and has also managed a proud series of 25 unbeaten games until autumn 2023. Unfortunately, the development of the last few weeks and months has not been in line with our expectations. For this reason, and in order not to jeopardise our objectives, this step was unavoidable and necessary at this time. I would like to thank Emin for almost 2.5 years as head coach of FC Hertha Wels and wish him all the best in the future.”



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