After a break of several years, the treasures of the Žemaicai Museum “Alka” have been opened Culture

In recent years, the Žemaitsi Museum “Alka” has gone through probably the biggest transformation since the day of the museum’s foundation: in 2023. the Telšiai yeshiva was opened to the public, the Žemaicai Diocese Museum was renovated and an exposition presenting sacred treasures was newly installed, and finally the doors of the Žemaicai Museum “Alka” were opened to visitors.

“Alkos” photo/”Alkos” historical exposition

“As the head of this institution, this day is very special and sensitive for me. The five years we lived through were extremely difficult. At the end of each year, we gave each other hope that the next year would be easier. Unfortunately, it was not easier. I think that the phrase “Today is the time, tomorrow it will be too late” often mentioned by the founder of the museum Pranas Genis… is especially important for every person if he understands it”, said director Eva Stonkevičienė, welcoming the gathering.

“Alka” photo/The exposition of the “Alka” historical part of the Žemaicai Museum has opened

The project “Modernization of Žemaičių Museum “Alka”” was implemented under the measure “Modernization of Cultural Infrastructure”.

6.1 million was allocated from EU structural funds and the state budget of the Republic of Lithuania for the implementation of the project financed by the European Regional Development Fund. euros.

The activities of the project included not only the capital repair of the buildings, but also the creation and installation of the exposition. The main contract works of the project were implemented by the company “Infes”.

Museum photo/Exhibition of the historical part of the Žemaicai Museum

Museum photo/Exhibition of the historical part of the Žemaicai Museum “Alka” has been opened

During the project, the “Alka” building of the Žemaicai Museum was renovated, modern expositions and storage facilities for exhibits were installed. After the implementation of the project, the quality of services of the Žemaicai Museum “Alka” will be improved, the museum building will be adapted to the needs of visitors.

#break #years #treasures #Žemaicai #Museum #Alka #opened #Culture
2024-10-01 19:11:34



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