After 10 years: Michael Landau is not running again for the office of President of Caritas Austria

2023-11-18 13:50:04

Term of office ends in January 2024. Successor will be elected in November. Landau will remain President of Caritas Europa until 2027.

Vienna (OTS) After ten years at the helm of Caritas Austria, Michael Landau has decided not to run for the office of President of Caritas Austria once more this year. “It was ten exciting, intense and also beautiful years. But following ten years as president and more than 28 years in Caritas in Austria, it is time to hand over this office in a good way. And that’s exactly what I plan to do now.” Caritas will remain in Landau. Last year, the 63-year-old Viennese was unanimously confirmed as President of Caritas Europa until 2027. “I will continue to dedicate myself to this task with all my strength,” said Landau. “Global challenges such as wars, the climate crisis, global hunger and increasing poverty also require global answers. Caritas Europa is intended to make an important contribution here by representing the interests of people in need across countries and strengthening social cohesion in the individual states themselves. The future of Europe will not only be decided in Brussels, Berlin or Budapest, but also everywhere where people’s lives have become fragile – because they are affected by growing poverty or unemployment or because they have lost hope for Europe in the face of crises have lost a positive future. We need more Europe, not less – and, last but not least, more Caritas in Europe.”

Landau appeals for a new political culture of dialogue
The experiences that he has been able to gain over the past 28 years in a wide variety of roles at Caritas in Austria make Landau confident: “It often fades into the background due to the current crises: But together, a lot of positive things have been achieved over the past decades. Our country – politics, society and civil society – has the ability to cope with upcoming tasks in a good manner. No matter whether in the area of ​​fighting poverty, when it comes to issues such as care, education or combating loneliness or when it comes to spelling out social answers to the climate crisis. But to do this, the currently noticeable polarization in politics and society must be overcome, and common goals must be made beyond dispute across party lines. The social cohesion of a society is always both a prerequisite and a result of good politics. Everyone needs to work together here: from politics, business, churches, cultural institutions, probably also independent media and, last but not least, a strong, critical civil society. This cannot be achieved without respect and dialogue, the effort to use reason and a sense of proportion, and the willingness to compromise. This basic social consensus needs to be renewed right now.”

Landau thanks employees and volunteers
Landau also took the opportunity to thank 17,700 employees, almost 46,000 volunteers in institutions, projects and parishes and over 40,000 people via the digital involvement platform for one another who support the work of Caritas. “All these people have influenced me more than Caritas. I am endlessly grateful for these experiences and the many encounters. I am convinced that Caritas will continue to make a concrete difference for many people – around the clock and around the world. Whoever succeeds me as President: I know that Caritas is in good hands – also because ultimately there are many hands that make Caritas an important organization and voice for so many people. Also in the public debate and as part of a strong civil society.” Who will succeed Landau in his role as President of Caritas in Austria will be decided on November 21st at the Caritas general assembly in Vorarlberg. A vice president and two other members of the executive board will also be up for election.

Cardinal Schönborn praises Landau’s efforts
Cardinal Christoph Schönborn takes Landau’s announcement as an opportunity to say thank you: “Anyone who knows Michael Landau knows: He is Caritas. And anyone who knows Caritas knows that a Caritas without Michael Landau is difficult to imagine at first. Michael Landau has given the organization a face for many years – authoritative in his demeanor, persistent in his work and always working on behalf of those people to whom Caritas in Austria and beyond worldwide feels committed in its daily work. Seeing need and acting – Caritas is this credo, Michael Landau has remained true to this day. What I still appreciate regarding him to this day is that despite all differences of opinion, he always strives to put what we have in common before what divides us. He and the many Caritas employees and volunteers are achieving what is so urgently needed at this time: with their commitment and actions and with their advocacy work, they create hope and confidence and strengthen cohesion in our country. In all the years of our collaboration, Michael Landau has always enjoyed my complete trust – especially when third parties have been tempted to separate what belongs together: Caritas and the church. I am glad that Michael will remain with Caritas in Europe and knowing him, I am confident that Caritas Austria will continue to be represented in the future by a person who will continue his work in a good manner.”

About Caritas
Today, Caritas is one of the largest aid organizations in the country and operates in more than 1,600 locations throughout Austria – in mobile and stationary care, in the area of ​​people with disabilities or in social work. Caritas is involved in the fight once morest poverty, in helping the homeless, in the education sector and in hospice work. During the crisis, Caritas, which recently celebrated its 100th anniversary in Austria, has further expanded its help in many areas. For example, there are now 71 social counseling centers throughout Austria that advise and support people in the face of massive inflation. Under the presidency of Michael Landau, Caritas also became one of the largest voluntary organizations in the country. Over 40,000 people support Caritas via the digital involvement platform for one another. 46,000 volunteers work alongside 17,700 full-time employees at Caritas in facilities, projects and parishes. In addition to its work at home, Caritas is also active abroad. Both in acute and disaster relief as well as in long-term development cooperation. The aid organization is currently particularly in demand in Ukraine, for example, but also in the Republic of Moldova, in the Middle East and in countries in the sub-Saharan region.

About Michael Landau
Landau is a priest and, in addition to studying theology, he also received his doctorate in biochemistry. The 63-year-old has been working for Caritas in Austria for 28 years – initially for more than 25 years as Caritas director of the Archdiocese of Vienna and since 2013 also as President of Caritas Austria. He has also been President of Caritas Europa since 2020 and was unanimously re-elected in this role last year until 2027. After Landau had already handed over the management of Caritas of the Archdiocese of Vienna to his two successors Alexander Bodmann and Klaus Schwertner in the spring, he will now also hand over the role of President of Caritas Austria to a successor. The term of office officially ends on January 31, 2024. The successor will be elected in November at the Caritas general assembly in Vorarlberg. Michael Landau will remain President of Caritas Europa until 2027.

Questions & Contact:

Caritas Austria
Tina Neuerthal
Head of Public Relations & Press Spokesperson
+43 676 7804589

#years #Michael #Landau #running #office #President #Caritas #Austria



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