African Union Calls for Collective Action Against Growing Monkeypox Crisis

In a joint statement, Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Cheikh El Ghazouani, current chairperson of the African Union, and Moussa Faki Mahamat, chairperson of the organization’s Commission, called on all AU member states to strengthen surveillance and screening systems and intensify awareness and vaccination campaigns in the face of the increasing spread of monkeypox in Africa.

The epidemiological toll of monkeypox is alarming, with more than 26,000 cases, including 724 deaths, the statement said, adding that the epidemic does not seem to spare any African region.

The statement stressed that the continent needs $600 million and more than 10 million doses of vaccines to contain this epidemic in Africa, and that there is a need to distribute vaccines quickly and efficiently, without complacency, to contain the spread of the virus.

The statement calls on the international community to intensify its efforts to ensure the success and effectiveness of the continental plan for preparedness and response to the disease.

For its part, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that “limited capacities are at the origin of the decrease in testing in the DRC, which is the epicenter of the health emergency.”

The organization noted that “there are two strains of monkeypox virus, both with two sublayers, and a new strain has been detected in Kivu.”

The World Health Organization has warned of the spread of this new strain, as it could be more widespread than currently known.

The organisation confirmed that more than three and a half million doses have been pledged for the global response, including 600,000 vaccine doses after European countries, the United States and the global vaccine manufacturer committed to providing them.

At the same time, the African Union is seeking to mobilize six hundred million dollars and more than ten million vaccines to fight the pandemic, which has begun to haunt the continent’s leaders.

-⁢ What actions is the ⁢African⁤ Union urging member​ states to⁣ take in​ response‌ to the monkeypox outbreak?

Title: African Union Calls for Urgent Action to Combat ‌Monkeypox Outbreak Across Continent

Meta Description: ⁤ The African‍ Union has issued⁣ a joint statement⁤ urging member states to intensify surveillance,‌ screening, ⁢and⁢ vaccination‌ campaigns to combat the rapidly spreading monkeypox outbreak, which‍ has already claimed 724 ⁣lives in Africa.

Keyword Tags: Monkeypox,‍ African Union, ​Vaccination Campaigns,‍ Surveillance, Screening,⁤ Africa, Health Emergency,⁢ World Health ‌Organization


The African Union has sounded the alarm ⁤on the rapidly spreading monkeypox outbreak, which⁣ has already claimed⁢ 724‌ lives in Africa.⁣ In ⁤a joint statement, Mauritanian President Mohamed Ould Cheikh ‍El Ghazouani, current chairperson of the African Union, and Moussa Faki ‍Mahamat, chairperson of​ the organization’s Commission, have called on all AU member‌ states to take immediate action to strengthen surveillance and screening systems, and to ⁤intensify​ awareness ‍and vaccination⁢ campaigns. The statement comes as the WorldHealth‌ Organization (WHO) ⁤announces that limited capacities have⁢ led to a⁣ decrease in testing in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the‍ epicenter‌ of ⁢the⁣ health emergency.

The Alarming Epidemiological Toll ⁤of Monkeypox

The epidemiological toll of monkeypox is alarming, with more than 26,000 cases reported ‍across Africa. The outbreak does not seem to spare any African ⁤region, ‌with the virus spreading rapidly across the continent. The situation is dire, and immediate action ⁣is necessary to contain the spread of the virus and prevent ‌further loss of life.

The Need for Urgent ⁢Action

The African Union is ​calling on member states to‍ take urgent action⁣ to combat ‍the outbreak.⁢ This includes ⁣strengthening surveillance‍ and screening systems, intensifying awareness and vaccination campaigns, and distributing vaccines quickly and efficiently. The continent needs $600 million and more ‌than 10 million doses of vaccines ⁣to contain the epidemic, and the⁢ international community is being urged⁣ to intensify its efforts to ensure the⁣ success and ​effectiveness of the continental plan⁣ for preparedness and response to the disease.

The ⁤Complexity⁢ of the⁣ Monkeypox Virus

The World Health Organization has announced‌ that there ⁢are two strains of the monkeypox virus, both with two sublayers, and a new strain has been detected.⁣ This highlights the complexity of the virus and the ‍need for a‍ comprehensive ​and coordinated ‌response to the outbreak.

The Role of the International Community

The international community has a critical​ role to ⁢play in supporting ⁤the ⁤African‍ Union’s efforts to‌ combat the monkeypox outbreak. This includes providing⁢ financial and technical support, as well as⁤ sharing ⁤expertise and resources to help strengthen surveillance, screening, and vaccination campaigns across the continent.


The monkeypox ⁣outbreak⁣ is a serious public health emergency that requires urgent action from African Union ⁣member states and the​ international community.‌ By working⁢ together, ⁢we can contain the spread of the virus, prevent⁣ further loss of life, ‌and protect ‍the health and well-being of people ‌across Africa. ⁢The ‍time to ​act is now.


What is monkeypox?

Monkeypox is a viral disease⁢ that occurs primarily in the tropical rainforest regions⁣ of central and west Africa.

What are⁢ the symptoms of monkeypox?

The symptoms⁣ of monkeypox are similar to those‍ of smallpox, but are milder. ‌They include fever, headache, muscle aches, and⁢ swollen lymph nodes, followed by a rash that turns into blisters and crusts over.

How is monkeypox transmitted?

Monkeypox is transmitted to humans through contact with an‍ infected animal’s bodily fluids, such as through a bite or scratch. ‍It‍ can also be ⁣transmitted from person to person through contact with ‌an infected person’s bodily fluids, or ⁤through contaminated materials.

How can monkeypox be ⁤prevented?

Monkeypox can be prevented through vaccination, as​ well as ⁤by ‌avoiding contact with⁣ infected animals and people, and by practicing good hygiene, such as washing ⁢hands regularly.

Ia’s Minister of Health emphasized the need for immediate and coordinated action among member states to address this public health crisis. The organization is calling for enhanced surveillance, aggressive screening measures, and robust vaccination campaigns to curb the outbreak’s advance across the continent.

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic:

African Union Calls for Urgent Action to Combat Monkeypox Outbreak Across Continent

Meta Description: The African Union has issued a joint statement urging member states to intensify surveillance, screening, and vaccination campaigns to combat the rapidly spreading monkeypox outbreak, which has already claimed 724 lives in Africa.

Keyword Tags: Monkeypox, African Union, Vaccination Campaigns, Surveillance, Screening, Africa, Health Emergency, World Health Organization


The African Union has sounded the alarm on the rapidly spreading monkeypox outbreak, which has already claimed 724 lives in Africa. In a joint statement, Mauritan



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