Africa Press Review – Senegal Continues Quest for Political Dialogue…

On the occasion of the 63rd independence anniversary, a military parade was held in Dakar on Tuesday, April 4th. President Macky Sall assured from the official stand that the state would continue to secure the national territory with the establishment of new units, even in remote areas, in order to ensure the safety of people and property. In his message to the nation the day before, he reiterated his openness to dialogue and consultation for all living forces of the nation with respect to the rule of law and the institutions of the Republic.

Opponent Thierno Bocoum, president of the Agir movement, stated that President Sall’s offer of dialogue needs to be clarified. If he decides not to run, then he can organize free and transparent elections. And from that moment, dialogue will be possible, and all the other candidates who are refused to register on the electoral lists, in particular Khalifa Sall and Karim Wade, can present themselves. However, Thierno Bocoum points out, there are arrests in the Pastef camp, the main opposition party, and clear-cut positions that make it difficult to identify points of dialogue.

Many Senegalese are disappointed with President Sall’s speech during the military parade, as he did not address essential questions such as his candidacy for the third term, and the political violence in the country. The opposition coalition has cut ties with the power a long time ago, and violence seems to be the only means of exchange. Macky Sall loves his people, but does not know how to express it. Dakar News expects leaders to speak and listen to the people.

The Paalga Observer in Burkina Faso believes that President Sall missed the boat, and the Senegalese will have to wait to know his final decision. He wants to continue modernizing the institutions of the Republic, but the Ouagalais daily questions how much time he has to implement the announced reforms, as the presidential election is less than a year away. The Paalga Observer questions if he intends to finish his work or if he will be a candidate in the next election.

Imposing military parade yesterday, Tuesday April 4, in the streets of Dakar on the occasion of the 63e independence anniversary. From the official stand, point The sun, « President Macky Sall assured that the State would continue to secure the national territory with the establishment of new units even in the most remote areas, in order to better assert its sovereignty and ensure the safety of people and property. »

The day before, still raises The sunthe Head of State, in his message to the Nation, reiterated his openness ‘to dialogue and consultation, with all the living forces of the nation, with respect for the rule of law and the institutions of the Republic’. »

Trench positions

For the lawyer and opponent Thierno Bocoum, president of the Agir movement, interviewed in the columns of the daily 24 hoursthis ” President Sall’s offer of dialogue remains to be clarified. If he decides not to run, he can organize free and transparent elections. And from that moment, he continues, dialogue will be possible. And the dialogue must also be able to allow all the other candidates who are refused to register on the electoral lists, in particular Khalifa Sall and Karim Wade, to present themselves. But there is also, points out Thierno Bocoum once more, the arrests in the Pastef camp, the main opposition party. There really are points of contention, he concludes, and it’s really hard to see what the points of dialogue might be knowing that the positions remain clear-cut’. »

« Hours-sun » ?

And “ speech above ground », exclaims for his part of WalfQuotidien on the front page. ” All Senegalese, from here and elsewhere, had their eyes riveted on their television or on their smartphone to hear mainly two things, notes the Dakar daily: Macky Sall to say that he will run or will not run for a third presidential term in 2024, on the one hand, and on the other hand, the president was expected on the issue of political violence which has recently killed three people, many injuries and considerable material damage. But, notice WalfQuotidien, as many feared, once more dodged these essential questions. Total blackout, therefore, on the question of the third term which keeps the country in suspense. Indeed, at no time during his speech did he mention the presidential election on 25th February next. While, according to opponents of the third term, he is at his last independence day speech. In addition, he leaves his allies in the presidential coalition in doubt, who no longer know on which foot to dance. »

“Let them talk to us and above all let them listen to us!” »

« Let’s face it, Senegal has never crystallized so many political tensions, sigh the site Dakar News, and our country, renowned for its stability and its democratic model, is today tossed regarding by furious waves (…). Since many years, point the site, Macky Sall tried to establish a peaceful dialogue with the living forces of the country, but always in vain. The opposition coalition cut ties with power a long time ago. Violence, in actions as in words, seems the only possible way of exchange, still regret Dakar News. Macky Sall deeply loves his people but doesn’t know how to express it. (…) We expect him and our leaders in general to speak to us, and above all to listen to us.. »

Missed the mark?

Finally, for The Paalga Observer in Burkina Faso, Macky Sall missed the boat » : « the Senegalese will still have to wait to be fixed on the final option of the one who is rightly or wrongly suspected of wanting to run for a third term. Yes, the Land of Teranga will still have to hold its breath, since not much has come to further clarify the intentions of Abdoulaye Wade’s successor. (…) It is all very well to (want) to continue the work of modernizing the institutions of the Republic, still notes the Ouagalais daily, but less than a year from the presidential election, we do not see how long disposes President Macky Sall to implement the announced reforms. »

Et The Paalga Observer to ask oneself: will he be satisfied with laying the foundations, it being up to his successor to continue his work? Or does he intend to be in charge of it, which means in this case that he will be a candidate in the next election? »

In conclusion, the 63rd independence anniversary of Senegal was marked by a military parade and speeches from President Macky Sall. However, his message of “openness to dialogue and consultation” was met with skepticism from opponents and journalists alike. The country is facing increasing political tensions, and many are calling for leaders to listen to the people and address their concerns. With the presidential election fast approaching in February 2019, there is uncertainty and speculation surrounding President Sall’s intentions for a potential third term. The coming months are sure to be filled with anticipation and speculation as the people of Senegal await the next steps in their nation’s democratic process.



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