Africa Anti-Corruption Day: the message from ASCE-LC

2023-07-11 08:14:08




Africa Anti-Corruption Day

1July 1, 2023

Message from the Deputy State Comptroller acting as interim Cstate comptroller general

– Dear actors in the fight once morest corruption in Burkina Faso,

– Distinguished partners,

– Ladies and gentlemen.

The African Union convention on preventing and combating corruption was adopted in Maputo, Mozambique, on July 11, 2003 and entered into force in 2006. This convention was ratified by Burkina Faso on November 29, 2005.

On July 11, 2023, is celebrated the “Africa Anti-Corruption Day” like the commemoration of the international anti-corruption day on December 9 of each year.

The commemoration of this day, placed under the theme: “The African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption: 20 years later, achievements and prospects”, takes place in a national context particularly marked by the seal of the security and humanitarian crisis. This

day is an opportunity to reflect on the progress we have made so far, but also on the challenges we face and the steps we need to take to strengthen our fight once morest corruption and related offences.

Burkina Faso, as an active member of the convention, attaches particular importance to the fight once morest corruption. We are aware of the harmful consequences of corruption on our society, our economy and our governance. It undermines citizens’ trust, discourages investment and innovation, and undermines social justice and equal opportunities. We are also aware that corruption, through its disastrous consequences on our economy, our society, creates a favorable bed for the development of terrorism and other organized crime which thrives happily on a soil undermined by these evils. This is why the fight once morest corruption must be seen as the fight once morest the other form of terrorism which is illustrated by bad administrative practices, bad governance, bribes, kickbacks, forgery and the use of forgery. , poor land management. The list is unfortunately long.

However, despite the challenges we face, we can

be proud of the achievements we have made so far. Because He has always had men and women, institutions and organizations determined to do everything to block his way; to fight it in all its manifestations, sometimes at the cost of their lives, so that our society can experience real development free of the said scourge. In addition, Burkina Faso has ratified and implemented the United Nations Convention once morest Corruption as well as the African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption. These international instruments provide us with a solid framework to strengthen our national efforts and collaborate with other countries in the fight once morest cross-border corruption.

Once once more this year, the High Authority for State Control and the Fight once morest Corruption (ASCE-LC), whose mission is “to ensure the implementation of policies in the fight once morest corruption and to coordinate the actions relating thereto” in synergy of action with the other sister structures in the fight, continue the regular implementation of actions of prevention, control, detection of mismanagement and assistance in the repression of this scourge and its assimilated offenses .

Among other achievements recorded by Burkina Faso in the context of this fight once morest corruption, we can cite:

– the adoption of law n°004/2015/CNT of March 3, 2015 known as the anti-corruption law, amended by law 033-018/AN of July 26, 2018;

– Law No. 082/2015/CNT of 24 November 2015 on the attribution, composition, organization and functioning of ASCE-LC;

– Law No. 025-2018/AN of 31 May 2018 on the Penal Code with the incorporation of incriminations relating to corruption and similar offences;

– Law No. 016-2016/AN of 3 May 2016 relating to the fight once morest money laundering and the financing of terrorism in Burkina Faso;

– Law No. 05-2017/AN of 19 January 2017 on the creation, organization and functioning of judicial centers specialized in the repression of economic and financial offenses and organized crime. This law aims to speed up the judicial processing of corruption cases.

However, despite these achievements, we are aware that much remains to be done. Corruption persists in many sectors of our society. And We must strengthen our institutions, promote transparency, integrity and accountability, and put in place effective control and sanction mechanisms.

On this special day, we reaffirm our commitment to fight corruption with determination. We all need to take responsibility, whether we are politicians, civil servants, business leaders, members of civil society or ordinary citizens. We must refuse impunity, denounce acts of corruption and promote a culture of accountability.

On behalf of the ASCE-LC, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the technical and financial partners, the actors in the fight, whether they are administrative, judicial or parliamentary control, for the progress made by our country in the fight once morest Corruption.

I encourage you for your abnegation at work and for the noble fight that you continue to lead every day. We must never tire of rolling up our sleeves to relentlessly fight this scourge that has become even more dangerous because of its association with terrorism with dramatic consequences. This scourge must be fought by all legal means. Let us all take the exact measure of its gravity and its consequences; the risks it poses to our entire Nation, and work together to make the regulatory, legislative and institutional mechanisms work properly in order to act both on the prevention, detection and repression of corruption and its offenses assimilated.

I wish everyone a good celebration of the African Anti-Corruption Day and invite you to always be the torchbearers of the fight in all socio-economic and cultural spheres of our country.

Long live Africa Anti-Corruption Day.

In the name of our integrity, let us fight corruption.

May God bless Burkina Faso.

Le General State Comptroller

Acting Deputy to the General State Comptroller


Message you CGEA

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