Afforestation in Luanda struggles with vandalization and theft of trees – Jornal OPaís

The province of Luanda is implementing an afforestation program in the city, with the goal of reaching the planting of one million trees by 2027. one of the major obstacles has been the vandalization and theft of trees already planted, as well as their conservation. Environmental education is still far from being achieved, while private initiatives are gaining more strength

The launch of the afforestation program in the province of Luanda, on December 15th last year, guided by the governor of the province of Luanda, was carried out with the aim of planting six thousand trees, in phases, along the entire length of Avenida Lueji A’Nkonde, in the urban district of Sambizanga.

The program envisages the planting of a total of one million trees by 2027, with the aim of reversing the lack of trees in the province, stimulating the emergence of new green areas, promoting the health of soils and the environment, as well as guarantee living conditions and public social well-being. In the urban district of Sambizanga, more than 1,500 trees were planted across its entire length, and of this number, 189 were vandalized, causing a loss of approximately 945,000 thousand kwanzas, according to the administrator of the urban district of Sambizanga, Betânia Lopes.

The trees were purchased from nurseries in the province of Luanda, whose prices vary from 2 to 20 thousand kwanzas, depending on the size, species and quantity desired. “On Lueji A’ Nkonde Street, acacia trees are being placed, and those currently being planted were purchased for 9 thousand Kz each. Buying plants is very expensive and destroying them is wasted money”, he said.

There are a total of 198 vandalized plants, he said, and the minimum calculation of 5 thousand Kz each plant, the district had a loss of approximately 945 thousand Kwanzas. Many trees are being vandalized and stolen by children and adults, so structures have been created to protect the plants, but they are also being stolen. He considers it important to constantly appeal to raise awareness within the community regarding the preservation of plants.

The program has been guided by the administration, social partners and, every day, employees in the community area, with the district associations, are focused on the treatment of plants, such as watering, the work is consolidated with the churches that also They are not left out when it comes to tree maintenance. They planted on Lueji A’Nkonde Street, 12 de Julho, Miramar and also on Alameda Avenue.

Second, Betânia Lopes, partnerships are open with people who have nurseries so that they stop buying plants. Three proposals have already been received, which are being evaluated by the technical area and the Legal Office.

Tree adoption project

On the other hand, Betânia Lopes made it known that, at Sambizanga level, the tree adoption project was adopted, through which a tree is delivered to a resident, he receives it with a certificate and helps to control all the trees . “Fortunately, it was a project well received by the community, the trees that were delivered are growing well, under the watchful eye of the community. And every day we receive requests from several business residents who want to adopt trees,” she said. The official also mentioned that, in schools, churches and homes, they are specifically taking fruit and shade trees. And in their homes, residents can express whether they want a fruit tree.

Floresta da Ilha: The “lungs” of the city being mistreated

Considered by many as the great lung of afforestation in Luanda, Floresta da Ilha, in the urban district of Ingombota, is focused on garbage and mistreatment of trees

According to the administrator of the urban district of Ingombota, Paulo Furtado, everything has been done to maintain the trees there. “The forest will undergo redevelopment that also includes the preservation of green space,” he said. At the moment, the very old trees in the island’s forest have been undergoing restoration and periodic cleaning has been carried out at the site, but “until the forest is used or treated definitively, it is a very complicated case.

Because it is a space open to the public and, every now and then, people will settle there, without rules and, often, carry rubbish”, he described. Although they are carrying out corrective work with the support of the National Police, she acknowledged that it has not been easy. Until that perimeter is dealt with, he added, we will still see this type of situation. “Some people, in the dead of night, at the weekend, will deposit garbage in the island’s forest”, he reported.

They have already started with the cleaning process, every Saturday, with the company Elisal and they do not intend to give up, until the process of requalifying the forest, which is a large lung of the city of Luanda, takes place. In Ingombota, the PAL campaign is carried out particularly with regard to the maintenance and replacement of many trees. There are many old trees in the locality that have been falling, that are dry, and they work with the local community so that they can sponsor and care for them. The official stated that the district has a large green area, almost 70 percent of the district is wooded, with a predominance of palm and coconut trees.

At district level, approximately 2,000 trees have already been planted. The goal is to cover all spaces that are defined as green areas at a local level and reach six thousand trees. And combined with this, they have a program that has been under development for a long time, to maintain and revitalize green spaces, spaces and dividers. “Most of the green spaces, landscaped, wide spaces, separators, have already been requalified with sponsors or companies that have helped with maintenance”, he guaranteed.

More than seven thousand trees already planted in the municipality of Luanda

Of the 101 thousand and 48 trees that are expected to be planted by 2027, at the level of the municipality of Luanda, seven thousand and 808 trees of different species have already been planted by the month of February. Of this figure, 550 were vandalized and stolen, according to the local Environment and Basic Sanitation director, Sílvio Alvarenga. At the level of the municipality of Luanda, the planting of 101 thousand and 48 trees is expected by 2027, as the Luanda Afforestation Program foresees, for the province, the planting of one million trees in the same period.

The director of environment and basic sanitation, in the municipality of Luanda, Sílvio Alvarenga, said that so far 7,808 trees of different species have been planted, however, the theft and vandalization of trees have left 550 victims.

At the level of the municipality of Luanda, in each district, they have a model garden, which represents PAL. The program is not yet included in the OGE, so it does not have a specific budget, but the technicians work and count on the help of civil society, small, medium and large companies, as well as people of good will who can help with the campaign , with seeds, plantations, among other support. To support the afforestation program, there are thousand-liter motorcycle tanks, and each municipality benefits from one or two.

“The program guidelines are still being designed, including situations such as regulations, operation and projects for creating nurseries. There is also a map with which the team monitors the activities carried out”, he highlights. In addition to registering campaigns initiated by the population, companies and legal entities, each district has a technical team. “The benefits are several, with greater emphasis on oxygen, carbon dioxide retention, heavy metals, beautification.

However, the province of Luanda still has few trees compared to the recommended amount, which is 12 square meters of tree for each person, which means three medium-sized trees”, he said. Sílvio Alvarenga recalled that the Luanda Afforestation Program began in December 2023; at the time, the streets to be planted with trees were selected, as were the species and quantities to be planted; Then, the first phase began, which involved afforestation of the streets, avenues, squares and schools, where fruit trees were planted.

BY: Stela Cambamba and Maria Custódia



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