Affordable Vacation Options for Budget-Conscious Travelers in Belgium – Your Guide to Cost-Effective Holidays

2023-06-25 07:00:00

par riino gallo

Faced with rising prices, go on vacation requires a more than substantial budget. Unless you prefer to stay in Belgium…

Going on vacation can quickly represent a significant budget, especially for large families. According to a study carried out by Hello Safe on the travel intentions of Belgians this summer, 86% of respondents plan to go abroad to spend their holidays. Only 14% of respondents say they intend to stay in Belgium.

Unfortunately, just over half (52.7%) of Belgians say they are not planning to go on vacation this summer for budgetary reasons. Still according to the study, a third of them plan to leave at another time of the year, while 13.4% of Belgians say they do not have sufficient leave for this.

But what about the budget available to holidaymakers this year? More than half of respondents plan to spend more than €600 per person on holidays (53.5%), while 25% plan to allocate a budget between €310 and €600 per person. 14% of respondents plan to spend between €100 and €300 per person. Finally, only 7% of respondents foresee a budget of less than €100 per person for their summer holidays.

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